12 Technical data
General data
Dimensions (width x height x depth)
Storage conditions
Relative humidity
Protection class according to EN 60529/
Supply voltage
Permissible ripple
Mounting orientation
Fuse for voltage: external valves
Fuse for voltage: external electronics
Warning: maximum current in the 0 V line
Internal voltage drop
Current requirement for electronics
Power supply for initiators
Power supply for valves
Start-up time after switching on the supply
Temperature range
Storage temperature
Standards and directives complied with
13 Appendix
13.1 PROFINET configuration
For the PLC configuration software, e. g. S7 Simatic Manager, the GSDML files are
required for the bus coupler, as well as each DDL module used.
The data model for the PROFINET DDL bus coupler is described by means of vari-
ous modules. Each module (no. 1 to max. 14) represents a DDL module and each
contains a submodule for input (no. 1), output (no. 2) and diagnosis (no. 3). Diag-
nosis alarms and parameters are allocated to the respective diagnosis submod-
In addition, module 0 contains the PROFINET-specific submodules for DAP, de-
vice and both ports. Submodule 1 (device) contains 4 bytes of bus coupler diag-
nosis data (lifesign, error bits and presence list).
In view of the fact that there are compatibility issues with a number of PROFINET
CPUs, the 4 bytes of the bus coupler diagnosis data can also be invoked using a
15th participant (DDL master diagnosis). This participant can only be placed in
slot 15.
Before start-up, the bus coupler must be assigned a device name via
Ethernet (DCP) so that the PROFINET controller can establish a connec-
tion. This device name is saved in the flash drive. The device name is
empty when delivered, as is stipulated in the PROFINET standards.
So that the name can be assigned, a correct DDL configuration must
be connected to the bus coupler, indicated by a flashing DDL LED.
13.2 DDL participant parameters
The parameter descriptions of the individual DDL participants can be found in the
respective operating instructions.
AVENTICS™ PROFINET | R412013605-BAL-001-AD | English
50 mm x 120.5 mm x 106.5 mm
approx. 425 g
< 80 % RH
0 ... 95 %
IP65 (only when assembled and with all plugs
mounted and electrical connectors closed)
24 V DC sensor voltage (± 20 %)
24 V DC valve voltage (±10 %)
For the supply voltage, only use a power pack
with safe isolation.
5 %
3 A T
3 A T
Max. 4 A
0.8 V
90 mA
Max. 3 A per DDL line
Max. 3 A per DDL line
2 s
+5 °C ... +50 °C
-20 °C ... +70 °C
2004/108/EC "Electromagnetic compatibil-
ity" (EMC directive)
DIN EN 61000-6-2 "Electromagnetic compat-
ibility" (Interference immunity for industrial
DIN EN 61000-6-4 "Electromagnetic compat-
ibility" (Interference emission for indus-
trial environments)
DIN EN 60204-1 "Safety of machinery – Elec-
trical equipment of machines – Part 1: Gen-
eral requirements"
13.3 PROFINET diagnosis alarms
The bus coupler provides a mechanism through which errors can be reported to
the PROFINET controller. Extended channel diagnosis is used.
Bus coupler alarms are displayed on slot 0, subslot 1. These include:
• DDL address gap
• No DDL modules connected
• Fewer DDL modules connected than configured
• More DDL modules connected than configured
With the exception of the message "no DDL modules", the presence list is trans-
mitted as an additional parameter.
In addition, the StdDiag byte is monitored by each connected DDL module and
the message:
• DDL module – StdDiag transmitted as a parameter with the StdDiag byte. All
of these error reports may occur at the same time and are deleted once the
respective error has been resolved.
13.4 DDL data line
The output of the DDL is short-circuit-resistant on all lines. However, DDL partici-
pants can be damaged if 24 V is applied to the DDL H and DDL L signal lines.
For this reason, it is recommended to use preassembled cables. The assignments
for DDL connections are described in the DDL system description (R499050030).
The DDL termination plug is needed if the module is the last or only participant of
a DDL line. This ensures a defined line termination, and the module complies with
the IP65 protection class.
13.5 PROFINET supported functions
Table 6: Supported and limited PROFINET functions
Supported protocols
Maximum data quantity of the cyclical input
Maximum data quantity of the cyclical out-
put data
Maximum slot address
Maximum subslot address
Alarm types
Used protocols (subset)
Topology recognition
VLAN- and priority tagging
Minimum cycle time
Baud rate
Network protocol
Not supported
RTC – Real time Cyclic Protocol, Class 1
RTA – Real time Acyclic Protocol
DCP – Discovery and Configuration Protocol
CL-RPC – Connectionless Remote Procedure
LLDP – Link Layer Discovery Protocol
SNMP – Simple Network Management Proto-
16 bytes
16 bytes
Process Alarm, Diagnostic Alarm, Return of
SubModule, Plug Alarm, Pull Alarm
LLDP, SNMP V1, MIB2, Physical Device
1 ms
Class A
100 Mbit/s
Ethernet II, IEEE 802.3
RT over UDP
IRT "flex" (synchronized RT Class 2)
Fast Start Up
Media redundancy
Supervisor AR
Shared Device not supported
Multicast communication