silicones, some sulfur, phosphorus, and chlorinated compounds, may have a
poisoning effect resulting in a loss of sensitivity. Avoid installing the monitor
in areas where these materials may be present.
Locating the Sensor
Considerations in locating the monitor
Instalation Height:
Fastest Possible Leak Detection – Mount the monitor near the
potential leak sources
- One monitor should be located in close proximity to each point where
an emission is likely to occur
- Indicated concentration may not be representative of personnel
- Easy access for the required calibration and maintenance could be
Personnel Protection
– Mount the sensor at the installation heights shown in the table below
– Gas is detected where it is accumulated – which may not be detected
at the leak source.
Air Currents: If there are fans, wind, or other source of air movement, gases may
tend to rise or collect in certain areas of a facility. The local air currents should be
assessed to aid in selecting the sensor location. Air convection can often be more
important in determining gas concentration areas than factors of Vapor Density.
Gas Emission Sources: As a rule, at least one sensor should be located in close
proximity to each point where an emission is likely to occur.
CAUTION: Because each sensor can only "report" what it is
detected at the place it is installed at a specific moment, it
is very important that the sensor be located where leaks
are most likely to occur.
Some materials such as, but not limited to, tetraethyl lead,
Point Gas Monitor Technical Manual