Creating A Chase
From A Bank Of
Modifying A
Obey 40 D-Fi 2.4 User Manual Rev. 3
A quick and efficient way to program is to create 8 looks in 8 scenes of one bank and then save the
entire bank into a chase. The scenes will playback in number order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, in a loop.
The general instructions for creating a chase from a bank of scenes are as follows:
1. Enter Program mode.
2. Press a chase button to select the chase to be created.
3. Use the bank buttons to select the bank to be saved into the chase. The LED display shows the
current bank just above the word Bank.
4. Press <Music/Bank Copy> and <Midi/Add> simultaneously.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 as needed to add more banks to the currently selected chase, or repeat steps
2–4 as needed for other chases.
6. Exit Program mode.
7. Reset faders to 0 and deactivate blackout.
The specific instructions below describe creating <Chase 5> from the scenes in bank 12.
1. Enter Program mode.
2. Press <Chase 5>.
3. Press <Bank Up> or <Bank Down> until 12 shows in the LED display just above the word Bank.
4. Press <Music/Bank Copy> and <MIDI/Add> simultaneously. The LED display and fixture
button LEDs flash to indicate a successful operation.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 as needed to add more banks to the currently selected chase, or repeat steps
2–4 as needed for other chases.
6. Exit Program mode.
7. Reset all the channel faders to 0.
8. Press <Blackout> to deactivate blackout and allow DMX transmission from the board.
Modifying a chase is inserting a step into the middle of the chase, or removing a step.
Note: To add a step to the end of a chase, follow the instructions in
Creating A Chase From
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