Auto Scene Playback
Auto Scene Playback
Using Tap-Sync
Music Scene Playback
Obey 40 D-Fi 2.4 User Manual Rev. 3
Auto Scene playback is the triggering of an entire bank of 8 scenes to play in order in a loop,
in other words, scenes1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, and so on, with the length of the scenes set
by <Speed Time> and the scene-to-scene fade time set by <Fade Time>. The general
instructions for Auto Scene playback are as follows:
1. Press <Auto/Del> to put the board in Auto Trigger type playback.
2. Use the bank buttons to select the bank of scene that will be played back.
3. Adjust the speed time of the loop with the <Speed Time>.
4. Adjust the fade time between scenes with <Fade Time>.
The specific instructions below describe how to playback all the scenes in bank 3, with a
speed time of 8 seconds and a fade time of 0, do the following:
1. Press <Auto/Del> and the Auto Trigger indicator comes on.
2. Move the <Speed Time> and <Fade Time> faders all the way down.
3. Press <Bank Up> or <Bank Down> until 3 shows in the LED display just above the
word Bank. The lights will show either scene 1 in bank 3 or the currently selected scene
in bank 3.
4. Move the <Speed Time> fader until the LED display shows 8.00. The lights will start to
move through the scenes in bank 3.
The board can switch between Auto, Tap Sync, and Music at any time during
playback. Whatever button is pressed last determines the type of trigger used from
Auto Scene playback using Tap Sync is the triggering of an entire bank of 8 scenes to play
in order in a loop, in other words, scenes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, and so on, with the length
of the scenes set by <Tap Sync/Display> and the scene-to-scene fade time set by <Fade
Time>. The general instructions for Auto Scene playback using Tap Sync are as follows:
1. Make sure the board is in Auto type playback by checking the Auto Trigger indicator.
2. Use the bank buttons to select the bank of scene that will be played back.
3. Press <Tap Sync/Display> at least three times at the desired speed.
4. Use <Fade Time> to set the fade time between scenes.
Music Scene playback is the triggering an entire bank of 8 scenes to play in order in a loop,
in other words, scenes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, and so on, with the length of the scenes set
by the timing of the music and the scene-to-scene fade time set by <Fade Time>. The
general instructions for Music Scene playback are as follows:
To playback all the scenes in bank 3, with timing set by the music:
1. Press <Music/Bank Copy> to put the board in Music Playback mode, and the Music
Trigger indicator comes on.
2. Use the bank buttons to select the bank of scene that will be played back.
3. Use <Fade Time> to set the fade time between scenes.
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