Conmutador de escritorio gigabit de 16/24 puertos (41 páginas)
Resumen de contenidos para D-Link SharePort Go II
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SharePort Go II DIr-508L QUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE КратКое руКоводство по установКе Guía de InstalacIón RápIda GuIa de Instalação RápIda petunjuk pemasanGan cepat...
- Internet explorer 8, Firefox 12, chrome 20, or safari 4 or higher PreParatIoN You will need to charge your shareport Go II before using it for the first time. Step 1 peel the protective film from the top and bottom of the device.
Router Using a 3G/4G USB Adapter: You will need a compatible 3G/4G usB adapter with an active sIm card. please check your local d-link website for more information. Laptop 3G/4G plug the 3G/4G usB adapter into the usB port on the dIR-508l.
For more details on how to add, delete, or edit profiles, please refer to Internet Profiles in the user manual. CHArGING CharGING other DeVICeS the shareport Go II can charge your mobile devices on the go, including high-power devices such as ipads. Step 1 slide the on/oFF/cHaRGeR switch of the dIR-508l to CHARGER.
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TrOUBLESHOOTING SetUP aND CoNFIGUratIoN ProBLeMS 1. HOW DO I CONFIGUrE MY DIr-508L rOUTEr MANUALLY? - connect your pc to the router wirelessly. - open a web browser and enter the address http://dlinkrouter or http://dlinkrouter.local. - the default admin password should be left blank. - If you have changed the password and can not remember it, you will need to reset the router.
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SUPPort You can find software updates and user documentation on the d-link website. Tech Support for customers in Australia: D-Link Middle East - Dubai, U.A.E. tel: 1300-766-868 plot no. s31102, 24/7 technical support jebel ali Free Zone south, Web: p.o.Box 18224, dubai, u.a.e.
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teChNICaL SUPPort Iran unit 5, 5th Floor, no. 20, 17th alley , Bokharest st. , argentine sq. , tehran IRan postal code : 1513833817 tel: +98-21-88880918,19 +98-21-88706653,54 073-796-2797 General Inquiries: [email protected] tech support: [email protected] Morocco m.I.t.c Route de nouaceur angle Rs et ct 1029 Bureau n°...
Для доступа через Web-интерфейс: - Internet explorer версия 8, Firefox версия 12, chrome версия 20, safari версия 4 или выше подГотовКа необходимо зарядить аккумулятор shareport Go II перед тем, как использовать его в первый раз. Шаг 1 снимите защитную пленку с верхней и нижней панелей...
или сетевой кабель Интернет к dIR-508l. Ноутбук Маршрутизатор Использование USB-адаптера 3G/4G USB: необходимо наличие совместимого usB-адаптера 3G/4G с активной sIm-картой. для получения дополнительной Ноутбук информации посетите сайт d-link. Адаптер 3G/4G подключите usB-адаптер 3G/4G к usB-порту на dIR-508l. Маршрутизатор Подключение к Wi-Fi Hotspot: HotSpot для...
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для получения подробной информации о том, как добавить, удалить или редактировать профили, пожалуйста, обратитесь к разделу Internet Profiles в руководстве пользователя. ЗАРЯДКА ЗарЯдКа друГИХ устроЙств shareport Go II позволяет на ходу заряжать мобильные устройства, включая такие энергоемкие, как ipad. Шаг 1 сдвиньте переключатель on/oFF/cHaRGeR dIR-508l в положение CHARGER.
ПОИСК И УСТРАНЕНИЕ НЕИСПРАВНОСТЕЙ проБЛеМЫ установКИ И настроЙКИ 1. КАК НАСТРОИТЬ МАРШРУТИЗАТОР DIR-508L ВРУЧНУЮ? - подключите компьютер к беспроводной сети маршрутизатора. - откройте Web-браузер и введите адрес http://dlinkrouter или http://dlinkrouter.local. - по умолчанию поле пароля администратора следует оставить пустым. - если вы изменили пароль и забыли его, то необходимо сбросить маршрутизатор к заводским...
теХнИЧесКаЯ поддержКа обновления программного обеспечения и документация доступны на Интернет-сайте d-link. d-link предоставляет бесплатную поддержку для клиентов в течение гарантийного срока. Клиенты могут обратиться в группу технической поддержки d-link по телефону или через Интернет. Техническая поддержка D-Link: 8-800-700-5465 Техническая поддержка через Интернет:
- Internet explorer 8, Firefox 12, chrome 20 o safari 4 o superior PreParaCIÓN usted tendrá que cargar su shareport Go II antes de usarlo por primera vez. Paso 1 Retire la lamina protectora de la parte superior e inferior del dispositivo.
Laptop Router Uso del adaptador USB 3G/4G: usted necesitará un adaptador usB 3G/4G compatible con una tarjeta sIm activa. por favor, consulte el sitio web local d-link para Laptop más información. Adaptador 3G/4G conecte el adaptador usB 3G/4G en el puerto usB del dIR-508l.
(Internet Profiles) en el manual del usuario. CArGA CarGa De otroS DISPoSItIVoS el shareport Go II puede cargar sus dispositivos móviles, incluyendo los dispositivos de alta potencia tales como ipads. Paso 1 coloque el interruptor on/oFF/cHaRGeR del dIR-508l en CHARGER.
SOLUCIÓN DE PrOBLEMAS INStaLaCIÓN Y CoNFIGUraCIÓN ProBLeMaS 1. ¿CÓMO PUEDO CONFIGUrAr MI rOUTEr DIr-508L MANUALMENTE? - conecte su pc al router inalámbrico. - abra el navegador web e introduzca la dirección http://dlinkrouter ó http://dlinkrouter.local. - la contraseña de administrador por defecto debería estar en blanco. - si ha cambiado la contraseña y no la recuerda, tendrá...
SoPorte tÉCNICo usted puede encontrar actualizaciones de softwares o firmwares y documentación para usuarios a través de nuestro sitio SOPOrTE TÉCNICO PArA USUArIOS EN LATINO AMErICA soporte técnico a través de los siguientes teléfonos de d-link PAIS NUMERO Argentina...
- Internet explorer 8, Firefox 12, chrome 20, safari 4 ou superior PreParaÇÃo será necessário carregar a bacteria de seu shareport Go II antes de usar o produto pela primeira vez. Passo 1 descasque a película protetora da parte superior e inferior do dispositivo.
Notebook Roteador Usando um adaptador USB 3G/4G: Você vai precisar de um adaptador usB 3G/4G compatível com um sIm card ativo. por favor acesse o site d-link de seu país para Notebook obter mais informações. Adaptador 3G/4G conecte o adaptador usB 3G/4G na porta usB do dIR-508l.
Internet no manual do utilizador. CArrEGAMENTO CarreGaNDo oUtroS DISPoSItIVoS o shareport Go II pode carregar seus dispositivos móveis em movimento, incluindo dispositivos de alta potência, como ipads. Passo1 deslize o botão on / oFF / caRReGadoR interruptor do dIR-508l para carregador.
SOLUÇÃO DE PrOBLEMAS ProBLeMaS De INStaLaÇÃo e CoNFIGUraÇÃo 1. COMO POSSO CONFIGUrAr MEU rOTEADOr DIr-508L MANUALMENTE? - ligue o seu pc para o roteador sem fio. - abra um navegador e digite o endereço ou http://dlinkrouter http://dlinkrouter.local - a senha do administrador padrão deve ser deixado em branco. - se você...
SUPorte tÉCNICo caso tenha dúvidas na instalação do produto, entre em contato com o suporte técnico d-link. acesse o site: DIr-508L...
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- Internet explorer 8, Firefox 12, chrome 20, atau safari 4 atau versi yang lebih tinggi PerSIaPaN anda akan perlu untuk mengisi shareport Go II anda sebelum menggunakannya untuk pertama kali. Langkah 1 Buka lapisan pelindung dari bagian atas dan bawah perangkat.
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Laptop Router Menggunakan USB Adapter 3G/4G: anda akan membutuhkan 3G/4G adapter usB yang kompatibel dengan kartu sIm yang aktif. silakan cek website lokal d-link anda Laptop untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Adaptor 3G/4G pasang adaptor usB 3G/4G ke port usB pada dIR-508l.
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Internet profile dalam user manual. PENGISIAN MeNGISI PeraNGKat LaIN shareport Go II dapat mengisi perangkat mobile anda di mana saja, termasuk perangkat daya tinggi seperti ipad. Langkah 1 Geser saklar ON/OFF/CHARGER dari DIR-508L ke posisi CHARGER.
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PENANGANAN MASALAH MaSaLah PeNGatUraN DaN KoNFIGUraSI 1. BAGAIMANA CArANYA MENGATUr rOUTEr DIr-508L SECArA MANUAL? - Hubungkan pc anda ke router secara nirkabel. - Buka web browser dan masukkan alamat http://dlinkrouter atau http://dlinkrouter.local. - default password admin harus dibiarkan kosong. - jika anda telah mengubah password dan tidak dapat mengingatnya, anda akan perlu untuk me- reset router.
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DUKUNGaN teKNIS update perangkat lunak dan dokumentasi pengguna dapat diperoleh pada situs web d-link. dukungan teknis untuk pelanggan: Dukungan Teknis D-Link melalui telepon: tel: +62-21-5731610 Dukungan Teknis D-Link melalui Internet: email : [email protected] Website : DIr-508L...
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WrITTEN OFFEr FOr GPL AND LGPL SOUrCE CODE Where such specific license terms entitle you to the source code of such software, d-link will provide upon written request via email and/or traditional paper mail the applicable Gpl and lGpl source code files via cd-Rom for a nominal cost to cover shipping and media charges as allowed under the Gpl and lGpl.
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GNU GeNeraL PUBLIC LICeNSe Version 2, June 1991 copyright (c) 1989, 1991 Free software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ma 02110-1301, usa everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. PreaMBLe the licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it.
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these requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this license, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this license, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
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No WarraNtY 11. Because tHe pRoGRam Is lIcensed FRee oF cHaRGe, tHeRe Is no WaRRantY FoR tHe pRoGRam, to tHe eXtent peRmItted BY applIcaBle laW. eXcept WHen otHeRWIse stated In WRItInG tHe copYRIGHt HoldeRs and/oR otHeR paRtIes pRoVIde tHe pRoGRam "as Is" WItHout WaRRantY oF anY kInd, eItHeR eXpRessed oR ImplIed, IncludInG, But not lImIted to, tHe ImplIed WaRRantIes oF meRcHantaBIlItY and FItness FoR a paRtIculaR puRpose.