TUBESCA-COMABI SPEEDY + Instrucciones De Montaje página 40

man's normal walking speed.
no-one should be on the equipment whilst it is being moved.
Keep the stabilisers fixed on the mobile access and working tower whilst it is being moved (The play between the
support plates and the ground should be reduced to a minimum).
The ground on which the mobile access and working tower is being moved should be able to support load lowering.
For soft ground (loose soil, gravel, etc.), ensure there is a profiled track.
SPEEDY is moved with two people: the mobile access and working tower is "PUSHED" at a maximum height as specified
by the manufacturer; it is not "PULLED".
When the mobile access and working tower is left unattended, ensure that the stabilizers are working correctly (see
section § 2-1-6), prevent all unauthorised access, and protect it from harsh weather conditions.
Mobile towers are not designed to be covered in sheeting.
Mobile towers complying with EN 1004-1 are not designed to be used as a means of peripheral protection.
Mobile towers complying with EN 1004-1 are not designed to be used as a means of entering or exiting other
structures, such as a staircase, for example.
It is forbidden to:
Use a lifting beam, even a manual one, on the outside of the mobile tower.
Cover the mobile access and working tower in sheeting, even partially.
Increase the height of the tower above the authorised height.
Use components other than the ones that have been supplied and described in the parts list.
Use damaged parts.
Use a mobile access and working tower which has not been assembled vertically (tolerance: 1%).
Use a mobile access and working tower which has not been assembled according to the instructions in this
Create a bridge between a mobile access and working tower and a building, or between two mobile towers.
Lean an access ladder against the mobile tower.
Jump on the platforms.
Use boards as a platform.
Access to the working platform from the outside.
Move the mobile access and working tower on ground which is sloped more than 3%.
Move the mobile access and working tower with a motor vehicle.
Move the mobile access and working tower in wind speeds above 35 km/h.
Move the mobile access and working tower when personnel or equipment are on it.
Lift the mobile access and working tower with a crane or bridge crane.
Keep the trap door blocked open.
Diese Anleitung gilt nicht anstelle der geltenden Vorschriften, die in jedem Fall einzuhalten sind.
Die für die Plateaus und das Gerüst zulässigen Traglasten müssen eingehalten werden.
Die horizontalen Kräfte dürfen nicht höher als 30 kg sein.
Maximale Windstärke mit Stabilisatoren = 35 km/h.
Windgeschwindigkeiten über 35 km/h: die fahrbare Zugangs- und Arbeitsbühne festzurren.
Windgeschwindigkeiten über 45 km/h: die fahrbare Zugangs- und Arbeitsbühne gemäß Kapitel 7 abbauen.
Nicht in der Nähe von spannungsführenden freiliegenden Leitern arbeiten.
In öffentlich zugänglichen Bereichen das Gerät unzugänglich machen.
Den Arbeitsbereich abgrenzen, wenn Maschinen oder Fahrzeuge daran vorbeifahren.
Vor jeglicher Beförderung sicherstellen, dass sich im betreffenden Bereich keine Höhenhindernisse befinden.
Fahrbare Zugangs- und Arbeitsbühnen dürfen nur manuell und auf befestigtem, ebenem Untergrund frei von
Hindernissen am Grund oder in der Höhe befördert werden. Beim Schieben darf die normale Schrittgeschwindigkeit
Menschen nicht überschritten werden. Zum Verschieben darf die fahrbare Zugangs- und Arbeitsbühne nicht
höher als 6000 mm sein, und es darf sich keine Person darauf aufhalten.
Beim Verschieben müssen die Stabilisatoren an der fahrbaren Zugangs- und Arbeitsbühne montiert bleiben (möglichst
geringes Spiel zwischen Stützplatte und Grund).
The mobile access and working tower to be moved should not exceed 6m in height, and

