EdmoLift Products Manual
Maintenance of Lift Tables, Armlifts, Pallet lifts and Tilts
To be carried out once every 3 months, unless the operation and environmental conditions require shorter intervals.
Discuss suitable intervals with your EdmoLift representative.
Inspections, servicing and repair works must be carried out by competent personnel.
During inspections, service and repair works there must be no load on the machine.
During all works beneath the platform the service supports/maintenance chocks must be in place.
Hydraulic system
Check the oil tank for possible leakage.
Check the oil level in the tank. Re-fill if necessary. Oil type ISO 32, unless otherwise specified on the power pack. If
the oil is dirty it must be changed.
Inspect hydraulic hoses and connections for leaks or damage. Correct if necessary.
Inspect cylinders, hydraulic hoses and fittings for damage or wear.
Electrical equipment
Inspect and test electrical functions.
Check that there are no loose or trapped cables and wires. Adjust if necessary.
Mechanical equipment
Check that all wheels and bearing pins are properly secured.
Check that there is no excessive bearing play.
Check that that there are no breaks or cracks in any welded joints.
Check that the safety frame profiles (safety trip bars) and their fittings are intact and not damaged.
Check that the floor/ground fixings are firm.
Check that all labels are present and fully legible.
When greasing the bearings the machine must be unloaded.
Copyright © EdmoLift AB 2004-2007
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrie-
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EdmoLift AB
Jägaregatan 11
85921 GB
Tfn. +46 (0)611-83 780
Fax. +46 (0)611-51 15 80