[A] Nomenclature
1. Maximum Rope Diameter
2. Wear Insert
3. Attachment Point
4. Locking Gate
5. Minimum Breaking Strength (25kN)
6. Information Plate
7. Locking Mechanism
8. Harness Attachment Eye
9. European Certification
10. Product Logo
11. Model Number
12. Attachment Point
13. Wire Key (KY005A 13mm wire, KY005B 10mm wire)
14. Ring Key (KY004A)
[B] Care and Maintenance
[C] Use
1. The device can be used in conjunction with the Zippey Trolley when the trolley has
hooked ends
2. The device can be used by adults and children alike without any requirement of any
in-depth training
3. The SmartSnap is a continuous attachment device, self-belay system which allows
the user to traverse all of the individual elements of a course, without ever being able
to detach from the safety line
[D] Locking Mechanism
1. The locking mechanism ensure that the device cannot be removed from the line by
accident. The attachment point that is in use at any given time cannot be disengaged
until the opposing attachment point has been activated by one of the keys
2. Once the user reaches a designated checkpoint, they must only insert the nearby key
through the gate of the attachment point
3. Insert the key into the locking mechanism slot and remove the previously used line
from the device
[E] Misuse
1. When using the device with a Zippey Trolley, do not rest the device on its gate across
the hooked ends
2. Do not load the device into the gate of the Zippey Trolley
3. Only the use of ISC supplied keys is approved
[F] Pre-use Check
1. Check that the gate opens smoothly
2. Ensure that both gates open fully (24mm)
3. Check the device for any signs of wear and ensure that it is fit for purpose
4. Check the locking mechanisms of the device with both keys. Never should both gates
be able to be open simultaneously
RP420 SmartSnap: Issue A - May 2019