Black text on an orange background.
Black text on a green background.
The display then cycles through the opposites of the
combinations above.
Handy Hint
If you prefer to look at text on a white background, but
find the glare too much with a particular document, try
using black text on a gray background.
Preferred False Color Combination
If you use a particular color combination often, you can
change the display so that the SmartView Xtend only
cycles through:
Your preferred color combination.
White on black.
Black on white.
To do this:
1. Select your preferred color combination.
2. Hold down the Text button until you hear a beep.
Note: SmartView Xtend retains all of your settings,
even when it is turned off and then on again.
To restore the full set of 18 color options, hold down
the Text button and the Picture button together
until you hear a beep.