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1. J. Wiley, Exercise psychology: the influence of physical exercise
on psychological processes / casa editrice: Peter Seraganian. New
York: 1993.
2. Stanley P. Brown, Introduction to exercise science, Philadel phia,
PA, 2001
3. Richard W. Bowers, Edward L. Fox, Sports physiology, Dubuque,
Iowa: Casa editrice: Wm. C. Brown, 1992. Terza edizione.
4. Brian J. Sharkey, Fitness and health, Champaign, IL: Human
Kinetics, 1997. Quarta edizione.
5. John F. Alexander, C.I.C. Symposium on Physiology of Fitness
and Exercise (1971: Università del Minnesota) Chicago: Ath letic
Institute, 1972.
6. David C. Nieman, Exercise testing and prescription: a health-related
approach, Mountain View, Casa editrice: Calif.: Mayfield, 1999,
Quarta edizione.
7. Robert M. Ross, Andrew S. Jackson: Exercise concepts, calcula
tions, and computer applications. Carmel, Ind.: Benchmark Press,
8. Brian J. Sharkey, Physiology of fitness: prescribing exercise for
fitness, weight control, and health Publisher Champaign, Ill.: Casa
editrice: Human Kinetics, 1979.