5. Milk preservatives - The milk preservatives change the measurement
results. Usually the result deviation is not big but it'll depend on the particular
preservative used.
6. Adulterated milk - The measurement results may significantly differ from
the real milk parameters if the milk contains some additives - salt, sugar,
urea etc.
7. Contaminated sensor - During the normal work of the EKOMILK analyz-
ers some solid deposits are laid on the ultrasonic sensor walls. In case the
analyzer is not regularly and properly cleaned these deposits are gradually
accumulated and the measurement results begin to differ from the real milk
parameters. This is why it is very important the milk analyzers to be always
properly cleaned in accordance with their cleaning procedure.
8. Power supply - The power supply can also cause problems with the
measurement results accuracy and repeatability. Generally this can happen
if the power supply voltage is out of the specified range (220/110V +10 -15%)
or if the power supply line is too noisy - especially if there is a powerful
equipment working nearby and connected to the same power supply line.