3 609 929 826/06.03 | SD301
5 Menus when connecting the SD301 to a SE31x/SEH312
System test
This menu item contains the Sequence test
and Error list menu options (Fig. 26).
Fig. 26:
Sequence test
The tightening channel is controlled via the
SD301 using the sequence test. External
control via a partner controller is suppressed
in this mode.
Sequence tests via the SD301 are
only possible when logged on (see
section 4.4)!
Fig. 27:
Pressing the Program selection button (1)
calls up a list of the available tightening pro-
grams in the display field; the application cur-
rently selected is highlighted (Fig. 27).Typing
Bosch Rexroth AG 41/144
in the required program number selects the
program; the actual values of the last tighten-
ing job are displayed (Fig. 28).
Fig. 28:
Pressing the Start button (3) starts the tight-
ening program. The button is displayed in-
versely during the sequence test. The
inversion ceases once the sequence ends.
Pressing the Loosen button (program 99
(Ccw)) starts the loosening program inde-
pendently of the selected tightening pro-
gram. The button is displayed inversely
during the sequence test. The inversion ceas-
es once the sequence ends.
Pressing the Stop button (4) ends the run-
ning program prematurely.
The Reset button (5) acknowledges class 3
Pressing the Program selection button (1) re-
stores the program list.
The sequence test ends automatically when:
– the SD301 is removed from the SE/SEH
– the SE/SEH is reset, or
– the SE/SEH is switched on and off.