Note: If the gel contains Ethidium
Bromide, the progress of
electrophoresis may be monitored
during the run by turning off the
power supply, removing the lid,
and shining a medium-wave UV
light onto the gel. The resolved
bands will appear as orange bands
against a dark purple background.
I. Detection and Documentation of
Separated Fragments
At the completion of the run, turn off the power
supply and disconnect the power cord. Remove the lid
and remove the gel tray. Alternatively the entire tank
can be placed on a Transilluminator.
Ethidium Bromide stained samples are visualized by
exposing them to medium wavelength (312 nm) UV
light. Because the gel casting tray is UV transmittant,
the gel does not need to be removed from the tray
before viewing. Place the gel casting tray containing
the gel on the filter surface of a UV Transilluminator
for convenient viewing.