• Place appropriate heel height under heel or align with user's shoe.
• Attach socket with selected adapter combination to knee.
• Ensure flexion/extension and abduction/adduction angles are as
determined in user assessment.
• Make sure the adapter does NOT touch the back link or front links
during full flexion (Figure 4). This can cause damage to the knee and
will void the warranty. Contact between socket and chassis or pylon
during full flexion is acceptable (Figure 5).
• The alignment reference line, from bisection of the socket on ischial
level, should pass 0-10 mm in front of the pivot axis of knee and
through posterior 1/3 mark on the Flex-Foot cover (Figure 6).
Lanyard mechanism (Figure 7)
• The release cord should run along the lateral or anterior side of the
• Laminate screw insert and plastic tube into the socket at a desired
location. For test sockets, a hole can be drilled through the socket
wall followed by pre-heating the thread insert and pressing it in place
from inside the socket.
• Attach Balance Knee to the socket.
• Fasten the handle assembly to socket with screw and collar washer in
• Thread release cord through plastic tube(if used) and metal fasteners
on each end.
• Thread release cord through unlocking split ring/handle and back
through metal fastener.
• Shorten the release cord to the length that suits the user and make
sure that the release cord is slightly tensioned.
• Crimp fasteners by pliers or pinch the center with a punch and mallet.
• Ensure that the release cord is not impaired
Static alignment
• For safety, please make initial adjustment with user standing between
parallel bars!
• Fit prosthesis and check for correct length.
• Make sure foot is flat on the floor, knee is in neutral position and
socket angles are correct.
• When user shifts weight onto the prosthesis, the locking function
should be activated or the knee should be in stable position. Modify
alignment if necessary.
Instructing new users is essential to achieve a successful rehabilitation.
For safety, please make initial adjustments with the user between parallel
Explain function of knee stability. It is important the user understands
how the knee stability functions before walking.
• When the locking mechanism is activated the flexion of the Balance
Knee Joint is blocked.
• When the locking mechanism is deactivated the Balance Knee Joint is
stable from heel strike to midstance.
– Knee flexion is initiated during roll-over of the foot.