General information
1.1 For the bleed process, use a bleeder unit with
▪ a head pressure of at least 2.5 to max. 3 bar
▪ and a flow rate of 20-30 l per hour on the vehicle (= 1 l per 120-180s).
Using the wrong bleeder unit can lead to malfunctions in the hydraulic system and damage to the expansion
1.2 Before starting the actual bleed process, drain the old/used brake or hydraulic fl uid into another container.
There is a risk of injury/poisoning from contact with the brake or hydraulic fl uid.
Only fi ll and store brake or hydraulic fl uid in the containers provided for this purpose.
Never use brake or hydraulic fl uid more than once. Only top up with new/unused brake or hydraulic fl uid.
Always wear protective clothing and goggles when handling brake or hydraulic fl uid.
1.3 Before starting the actual bleed process, check the bleed valves and screws of the shift cylinders (gear and gate cylinders) for
damage and cleanliness and replace if necessary.
Bleeding process
2.1 Put the transmission in neutral
It must remain in neutral throughout the entire bleed process.
2.2 Connect the transparent bleeder hose to the bleeder unit and to the vent on the vehicle (behind the front fl ap).
2.3 Connect the hose to the "outlet" connection of the bleeder unit and to the bleed valves (1a + b) of the shift cylinder
(gate and gear).
2.4 Open the bleeder valves (1a + b) and bleed screws (2a + b) on the shift cylinders (gear and gate) by one turn each.
2.5 Switch on the bleeder unit and regulate the pressure (2.5 to 3.0 bar).
Follow the manufacturer's operating instructions for the bleeder unit.