A meniscal fastener and delivery needle must never be
reused. Do not resterilize. Discard opened and unused
fasteners. Under certain circumstances immobilization by
external support should be employed.
Observe the collar remains in place on the needle
throughout the procedure and is discarded with the
needle at the end of surgery.
Adverse effects of absorbable implanted devices include
mild inflammatory and foreign body reactions.
These cleaning and sterilization instructions have been
validated for preparing reusable DePuy Mitek instruments
for reuse. It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure
that the cleaning and sterilization is actually performed
using appropriate equipment, materials, and personnel
to achieve the desired result. This normally requires
validation and routine monitoring of the process. Any
deviation from these instructions should be evaluated for
effectiveness and potential adverse consequences.
Clean instruments as soon as possible after use. If
cleaning must be delayed, wet the instruments in
a compatible liquid solution to prevent drying and
encrustation of surgical soil.
Avoid prolonged exposure to saline to minimize the
chance of corrosion.
Remove excessive soil with a disposable wipe.
Prior to sterilization, instruments should be cleaned by
either automated or manual means described below.
Instrument types with such complex design features as
cannulations, lumens, (i.e. tubes), holes, hinged joints,
box locks, spring-loaded retractable features, or flexible
shafts; must be manually pre-cleaned prior to automated
cleaning to improve the removal of adherent soil.
Manual Pre-Cleaning Instructions
Flush internal areas with a warm detergent solution.
Pay close attention to lumens, cannulations,
holes, threads, crevices, seams, and any hard to
reach areas. While flushing, actuate any moveable
mechanisms, (hinged joints, box locks, or spring-
loaded features), to free trapped blood and debris. If