Read Me First
Avertissement : L'ordinateur bloc-notes peut être installé dans un véhicule motorisé et dans le champ de vision du
conducteur uniquement en tant que dispositif d'aide aux fonctions du véhicule, comme par exemple pour fournir des
informations sur le véhicule, comme dispositif de contrôle de système, pour l'observation à l'arrière ou sur les côtés du
véhicule, ainsi que pour fournir de l'information routière. Pour toute utilisation à n de divertissement, comme par ex-
emple pour regarder la télévision ou jouer à des jeux vidéo, il doit être installé à l'arrière du siège du conducteur, en un
emplacement où il ne sera pas visible, ni directement ni indirectement, pour le conducteur du véhicule motorisé. Véri-
ez les lois fédérales et nationales qui régissent l'utilisation légale de cet appareil à l'intérieur d'un véhicule motorisé.
<For Europe>
Warning: Check the following Commission Recommendation to determine proper installation and usage of this product
while operating within a motor vehicle.
"Commission Recommendation on safe and ef cient in-vehicle information and communication systems: A European
statement of principles on human machine interface."
Commission Recommendation is available from Of cial Journal of the European Communities.
<For Australia>
Warning: Notebook Computer may be installed in a motor vehicle and visible to the driver only if used to support
vehicle related functions such as vehicle information, system control, rear or side observation and navigation. If the
Notebook Computer is to be used for work or entertainment purposes, such as television reception, video play or other
work programs, it must be installed in a position where it will NOT:
(a) be visible, directly or indirectly, to the operator of the motor vehicle; or
(b) cause distraction to drivers of other motor vehicles.
Check with individual state laws to determine lawful use of this product while operating within a motor vehicle. If
the visual display unit is, or is part of, a driver's aid, above rule is not applied. "Driver's aid" includes closed-circuit
television security cameras, dispatch systems, navigational or intelligent highway and vehicle system equipment, rear
view screens, ticket-issuing machines and vehicle monitoring devices.
Information on Disposal for Users of Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment
(private households)
This symbol on the products and/or accompanying documents means that used electrical and electronic
products should not be mixed with general household waste.
Please dispose of this item only in designated national waste electronic collection schemes, and not in the
ordinary dust bin.
For business users in the European Union
If you wish to discard electrical and electronic equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier for further
Information on Disposal in other Countries outside the European Union
This symbol is only valid in the European Union.
If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities or dealer and ask for the correct method of