Part Numbers
The Melco part number is found in the second column of the parts list, directly in line
with each item number from the first column.
Part Descriptions
Each part listed has a descriptive name in the third column of the parts listing. Hardware
(such as screws, washers, etc.) are described by size in order to help the user to identify
common hardware items that can be obtained by local sources if desired.
Special Parts Handling
If care is not taken in handling certain parts carefully, there is a high probability that the
part will not function properly or will fail prematurely.
These parts are to have special handling considerations from the vendor, through quality
control inspection, into spare parts inventories, then on to packaging for shipping, and
finally to installation.
Handling of these parts (and for that matter all parts), is not limited to the considerations
below. Please use common sense, good judgement, and accepted handling practices in
handling all parts. If you have any questions or concerns, please call your area service
User Guide for the Bobbin Winder
Melco Embroidery Systems