1.2.4 G83/1 Engineering recommendations
In the United Kingdom, the G83/1 document recommends the characteristics that must be part of a micro-generator:
- Recommendations for the connection of small-scale embedded generators in parallel with public low-voltage distribution net-
Compliance with this standard must be requested when the order is placed.
1.2.5 Compliance with Australian and New Zealand standards
For Australia, the INGECON SUN LITE are compliant with the following standards:
- AS/NZS 3100. General requirements for electrical equipment.
- AS/NZS 4777. Grid connection of energy systems via inverters.
Compliance with this standard must be requested when the order is placed.
Waste disposal
2.1 Waste requiring authorised management
During the various installation, start-up and maintenance processes, the waste generated must be adequately treated in compliance
with the corresponding country-specific regulations.
At the end of the inverter's useful life, the waste must be given to an authorised manager for disposal.
In this section, Ingeteam Energy S.A., in its commitment to an environmentally friendly policy, provides Authorised
Managers with information on the location of the components to be decontaminated.
Those equipment components that must be specifically treated are:
1. Electrolytic capacitors or capacitors with a PCB.
2. Batteries or accumulators
3. Printed circuit boards
4. Liquid crystal displays.
The following photos show the location of these
2.2 Waste that can be disposed of as conventional waste
The majority of this type of waste is from the equipment packaging, which must be adequately sorted and disposed of:
All the packaging can be given to an authorised non hazardous waste manager..
In all cases, each part of the packaging should be disposed of as follows:
1. Plastic (polystyrene, bag and bubble wrap): Yellow municipal container (plastics and packaging).
2. Cardboard: Blue municipal container (paper and cardboard).
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User Manual
Rev. _
Date: March 2011