SonoSite, Inc.
21919 30th Drive SE
Bothell, WA 98021
T: 1‐888‐482‐9449 or 1‐425‐951‐1200
F: 1‐425‐951‐1201
SonoSite Ltd
Alexander House
40A Wilbury Way
Herts SG4 0AP
T: +44‐1462‐444800
F: +44‐1462‐444801
Federal (United States) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
M-Turbo, S Series, SonoSite, and the SonoSite logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of SonoSite, Inc.
DICOM is the registered trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association for its standards publications relating to digital
communications of medical information.
The SonoSite product(s) referenced in this document may be covered by one or more of the following US patents: 5722412, 5817024,
5893363, 6135961, 6203498, 6364839, 6371918, 6383139, 6416475, 6447451, 6471651, 6569101, 6648826, 6575908, 6604630, 6817982,
6835177, 6962566, 7169108, D456509, D461895, D509900, D538432, D544962, D558351, D559390, and by the following counterpart
foreign patents: AU727381, AU730822, CA2373065, CN98106133.8, CN98108973.9, DE60021552.0, DE60029777.2, DE60034670.6,
DE69730563.5, DE6980539.6, DE69831698.3, FR0875203, FR0881492, FR0815793, FR1180970, FR1175713, GB0875203, GB0881492,
GB0815793, GB1180970, GB1180971, GB1175713, IT0881492, IT0815793, IT1175713, KR532359, KR528102, NZ542968,
RCD000897368-0001, SP0881492, SP0815793. Patents pending.
P08325‐03 10/2008
Copyright 2008 by SonoSite, Inc.
All rights reserved.