- Camera LUT -
Use this setting to choose one of the camera LUT modes:
-[Off]: Sets off Camera LUT.
-[Default Log/LUT]
Use this setting to choose one of the Camera Log modes:
[SLog2ToLC-709], [SLog2ToLC-709TA], [SLog2ToSLog2-709],
[SLog2ToCine+709], [SLog3ToLC-709], [SLog3ToLC-709TA],
[SLog3ToSLog2-709], [SLog3ToCine+709].
- [User LUT]
Use this setting to choose one of the User LUT modes (1-6).
Please install the User LUT as follows:
The User LUT must be named with ".cube" in the suffix.
Please note: the device only supports the following format:
17x17x17, Data and Table format is BGR.
If the format does not meet the requirement, please use tool "Lut Tool.exe" to transform it.
Naming the User LUT as User1~User6.cube, then copy the user Log to an USB stick (Supports
only USB2.0 versions). Insert the USB Stick into the device. The User Log will be saved to the
device automatically at the first time. If the User Log is not loaded the first time, the device will pop
up a prompt message, please choose whether to update or not. If there is not a prompt message,
please check the format of the USB Stick. Size: max. 16 GB and formatted with FAT32. Then try it