Under no circumstance should you now touch the nail surfaces with your
fingers, if you do, they will become greasy again and this will prevent a
good bonding!
Apply a small drop of nail glue u to the lower part of the nail tip t and
distribute it with the aid of the nail glue bottle u on the lower surface. Hold
the nail tip t down so that the nail glue u cannot run onto the upper part
of the nail tip t.
Dab the nail tip t briefly with a cellulose pad w to remove any excess
nail glue u.
Before the first use you must puncture the bottle of nail glue u with a
pointed object, such as a needle. If, at a later date, the bottle of nail glue u
has become blocked, it can again be opened for use with a needle.
Now place the nail tip t at an angle on the natural nail, so that the
predetermined edge of the nail tip t lies on the edge of the natural nail.
Now tilt the nail tip t with gentle pressure onto the natural nail, so that
potential air bubbles are squeezed out .
SNS 45 B4