replaced. Refer to the specific information notice that comes with the cylinder or to the label of composite cylinder for the
appropriate torque forces.
After the replacement of any part whatsoever it is mandatory to perform all checks on function and pneumatic tightness
as indicated in par. 9.
All parts important for safety are marked with the serial number and the date of manufacture.
- Hoses are marked with the date of manufacture (4 digits, day of production the first three and last digit of the year
the fourth). The HOSE is marked with the letter S indicating that it is anti‐static.
- Reducer and demand valve are marked with nine alphanumeric digits in which the first two digits represent the
production year. The barcode is printed on a silver label attached to the reducer and to the demand valve.
- The reducer is factory sealed and the seal clamp is stamped with the date of the last revision.
- The demand valve membrane and other parts made of rubber bear a so called "rubber clock" which indicates the
year and month of manufacture
- The complete set bears a label that shows (examples a and b):
A. Name of the model
marking that indicates the conformity to the essential safety requirements established by Regulation
2016/425/UE on PPE and European Directive 2014/68/UE (if applicable). The EC markings are followed by the
number of the notified body responsible for the control of production: n° 0426 Italcert S.r.l., Viale Sarca 336, 20136
Milan ‐ Italy
C. Wheel mark
indicating that the airlines meet the essential requirements laid down by Directive 2014/90/UE
followed by the number of the Notified Body that carries out the control of production (n° 0426 Italcert Srl,
Viale Sarca 336, 20126 Milan ‐ Italy) and the year of the adding of the mark
D. Number of the reference standard: EN 14593‐1
E. Maximum and minimum working temperature (TS) and maximum working pressure (PS) (only for RC types)
F. Month and year of manufacture (mm/yyyy)
G. Manufacturer address
H. Pictogram "See instruction for use"
The SPASCIANI airlines RC and RL conform to EN 14593‐1:2005 standard and meet the requirements of Regulation on
PPE (2016/425/UE) and Directives PED (2014/68/UE) and MED (2014/90/UE).
PPE – Notified Body that performed the type tests for the EC certification and that carries out the manufacture control
according to Module D of Regulation (EU) 2016/425: Italcert Srl, Viale Sarca 336, 20126 Milano – Italia, n° 0426.
PED – The device is made in accordance with the requirements of the Conformity Assessment Modules B+D according
to Directive 2014/68/UE on Pressure Equipment. Notified body that carried out the B+D conformity assessment
procedure: Italcert Srl, Viale Sarca 336, 20126 Milano – Italia, n° 0426
MED ‐ The device is made in accordance with the requirements of the Conformity Assessment Modules B + D according
to 2014/90/EU on Marine Equipment. Notified body that carried out the B+D conformity assessment procedure: Italcert
Srl, Viale Sarca 336, 20126 Milano – Italia, n° 0426.
All RC airlines (except those cylinders 50 l) meet the requirements of Directive PPE, PED and MED; the RL airlines and
the RC with 50 l cylinders do not meet the PED Directive (for RL there are no air cylinders as a constituent, for RC with
50 l cylinders the assembly cylinder+valve is certified according to TPED directive).
The default quick coupling is Eurocoupling type; for Spasciani coupling please contact Spasciani customer service
Example of labels: a) on belt for RC and RL and b) on RC trolley
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