Video player
Choose video player sub-menu, you can easily view the saved video
player in the video list, press the LSK to enter "Options" to select the video
files to do the play, send(send the video via Bluetooth) ,rename and delete
etc .
Audio player
You can play local music in the memory card/phone memory.
Sound recorder
In the sound recorder interface press "option", it shows the items of record.
New record
pause and continue to record.
List Display the sound that you recorded and saved.
You can set the storage and audio quality.
FM radio
FM interface, press the OK key to turn on / off
down key to adjust the FM playing volume. Press the left soft key
"Options" can show FM options menu, the contents as follow:
Channel list: Shows FM channel list.
Manual input: Can be their own editors to manually enter the channel frequency,
the effective value of 87.5 ~ 108.0.
Auto search: Auto search FM channels in the channel list.
Settings: You can set background and loudspeaker play.
Make sure that the information in writing before the message center
number is set correctly. Access to an information menu, you can edit the
SMS message.
Write message
Edit SMS message contents.
Start a new record. If you press stop,you can save it . If you press
, press up key and