Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Contents Page Introduction Summary of Features and Uses Profile and Dimensions General Guidelines and Warnings Check You Have Received Exploded View Tools & Other Items Assembly & Installation Eleven Step Quick Start Guide Assembly &...
Windcharger. The utmost of care goes into the manufacture of all our products in our ISO9001 approved factory. To ensure you get the very best out of the Rutland FM910-4 we recommend that you read this manual and familiarise yourself with its contents before installing and operating the Windcharger system.
If in doubt refer to your dealer, a competent electrical engineer or the manufacturer. Check You Have Received - See FM910-4 Exploded View In the event of loss or damage, consult your dealer or the manufacturer. Doc No: SM-138 Iss. F 01.10.19...
•Connector blocks (as determined by your total system) Other Items You May Have Selected from Marlec: • A Rutland Charge Regulator - visit for current models • Land Tower and Rigging Kit (Part Nos. CA-12/08 & CA-12/07) • Cable Doc No: SM-138 Iss.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Assembly & Installation Eleven Step Quick Start Guide 1. Choose an open site that exposes the Windcharger to a clear flow of wind and avoids obstructions, this is essential for effective operation of the furling tail system.
Fig. 1 1. Select a suitable pole from the suggested guidelines in Tower Construction. Note: the post adapter fitted to the FM910-4 is designed to fit inside a standard 41mm (1⅝”) internal diameter tube. The adaptor is provided with a flat on one side to clear any tube weld seam.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation 5. Fit the plastic nose dome in position on the Fig. 4 front of the generator hub and secure in place with the three nylon screws provided. (Fig.4) Recheck the tightness of all screws in a few weeks time as loosening is possible.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Electrical Connection and Fitting to The Tower 1. Run the cable selected, see Cable Specification, down the inside of the pole. 2. Select one of the 2 basic wiring systems, Typical Wiring Diagrams and follow the manual provided with the voltage controller.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Typical Wiring Diagrams For Rutland FM910-4 Windcharger Optional Solar Panel(s) Rutland FM 910-4 with HRSi Charge Regulator. Optional Solar Panel(s) Rutland FM 910-4 with HRDi Charge Regulator Optional 2nd Battery Bank NB: Follow the installation instructions provided with the selected Marlec regulator.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Siting The Windcharger General Considerations The location and height of the mounting pole or tower for your wind turbine will be the major factor in the overall performance of your system. The smooth flow of wind over land and water is often interrupted by a multitude of obstructions causing wind sheer and turbulence.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Tower Construction The Furlmatic 910-4 is designed to fit inside an aluminium, stainless or steel tube with an internal diameter of 41mm with a minimum wall thickness of 3mm. Maximum outside diameter of 50mm.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Further System Requirements Batteries Total = 12V, 120Ah 1440Wh Leisure / Deep Cycle batteries are specifically designed for good performance in terms of 60Ah charge / discharge cycles. Batteries are the most important part of the renewable energy battery...
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Specification and Performance Guideline Performance Curve Note : The curve shown below is for clear, non-turbulent wind conditions; this may not be achieved in some installations. Refer to the section on Siting to optimise performance at your site.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Inspection and Maintenance The Rutland Windcharger requires no scheduled maintenance but an annual inspection should be carried out to monitor the general condition of the system to ensure the electrical and mechanical integrity and safety of the system.
Installation & Operation Troubleshooting In the unlikely event that your Rutland Windcharger should develop a defect, the turbine should first be tied to prevent the blades from turning to perform the static tests below. (Follow the procedure described in the Inspection and Maintenance section).
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Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation 5. Mechanical inspection. It will be necessary to remove the Windcharger from its pole for the following tests. 6.Check the brushes and slipring for wear or damage. To inspect the brushes, remove the 6 screws joining the nacelle halves together and remove top half of nacelle.
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Comme tous nos produits, elle a été fabriquée avec le plus grand soin, dans notre usine certifiée ISO 9001. Pour obtenir pleine satisfaction de votre éolienne FM910-4 nous vous recommandons de lire entièrement ce manuel et de vous familiariser avec son contenu avant de commencer l’installation ou de l’utiliser.
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Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation •Entres autres éléments de sécurité, effectuer l’installation par temps calme. •Aucune tentative de réparation ne doit être engagée tant que l'éolienne n'est pas immobilisée. •L'éolienne est équipée d'aimants céramiques qui peuvent facilement être abîmés lors de leur manipulation.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Assemblage et Installation Guide de démarrage rapide en onze étapes 1. Sélectionnez un site dégagé qui expose le Windcharger à un flux de vent direct et sans obstruction. Cela est indispensable pour le bon fonctionnement du système de mise en drapeau, actionné...
FM910-4. Utilizamos sumo cuidado en la fabricación de todos nuestros productos en nuestra fábrica aprobada por la Norma ISO9001. Para asegurarnos de que reciba lo mejor de nuestro FM910-4 le recomendamos que lea este manual y se familiarice con su contenido antes de instalar y poner en funcionamiento el sistema del cargador eólico.
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Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation • Detención de la turbina: puede ser necesaria para realizar el mantenimiento de la bate- ría. Si es posible, detenga la turbina en condiciones de viento a baja velocidad. Disminuya la velocidad de la turbina girando o dirigiendo la aleta de la cola contra el viento;...
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation El montaje e instalación Guía de inicio rápido de once pasos 1. Sitúe el Windcharger en un punto abierto donde esté expuesto al flujo directo del viento sin posibles obstáculos. La ubicación adecuada es imprescindible para que el sistema de plegado de la cola funcione correctamente.
Windcharger. Wir leisten die beste Sorgfalt bei der Herstellung von allen unseren Geräten gemäß dem anerkannten Betriebsstandard ISO9001. Zur Gewährleistung für alle Vorteile beim Gebrauch von FM910-4 bitten wir Sie diese Anleitung vollständig durchzulesen, bevor Sie mit der Montage und Inbetriebnahme des Windchargers fortfahren.
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Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation • Der Windcharger ist mit einem Keramikmagnet ausgestattet, der bei einer schwerwiegenden Handhabung beschädigt werden kann. Der Hauptstromgenerator sollte mit Sorgfalt während dem Transport und der Montage behandelt werden. • Starke Winde – Der klappbare Schwanzmechanismus des Modells Furlmatic funktioniert bei starken Winden so, dass er die Turbine aus der vorherrschenden Windrichtung hinaussteuert, um die Turbine zu verlangsamen.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Montage und Installation Kurzanleitung mit elf Anhaltspunkten 1.Wählen sie einen freien Standort, an dem der Windcharger einer freien Windströmung ausgesetzt ist und vermeiden Sie Hindernisse. Dies ist entscheidend für den effektiven Betrieb des klappbaren Schwanzsystems. Lesen Sie den Abschnitt über die Standortwahl.
Tutti i nostri prodotti sono fabbricati secondo procedure rigorose nei nostri stabilimenti certificati ISO9001. Per essere sicuri di utilizzare al meglio il FM910-4 raccomandiamo di leggere questo manuale e di familiarizzare con il suo contenuto prima di installare e avviare il generatore eolico.
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Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation • Il generatore eolico è dotato di magneti di ceramica, che possono essere danneggiati se non vengono maneggiati con cura. Il blocco principale del generatore deve essere trattato con cura durante il trasporto e il montaggio.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Montaggio e Installazione Guida rapida in 11 punti 1. Scegliere un luogo aperto che esponga il caricature eolico ad un netta flusso di vento evitando ostacoli, questo è essenziale per un efficace funzionamento del sistema di coda ad avvolgimento.
• Urządzenie przeznaczone do zastosowań na lądzie stałym, gdzie do zasilania urządzeń specjalistycznych i domowych wymagana jest niewielka moc. • Idealny montaż na lądowej wieży Rutland i przy zastosowaniu olinowania — patrz katalog produktów. Ogólne wytyczne i ostrzeżenia • Aby możliwy był montaż na maszcie, jego zewnętrza średnica NIE MOŻE przekraczać...
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Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation • Na instalację urządzenia wybrać spokojny dzień i wziąć pod uwagę inne względy bezpieczeństwa. Bez wcześniejszego uniemożliwienia ruchu generatora wiatrowego zabrania się podejmowania jakichkolwiek prób naprawy układu. • Turbiny wiatrowej została wyposażona w magnesy ceramiczne, które mogą ulec uszkodzeniu w przypadku nieostrożnego obchodzenia się...
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Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation Montaż i instalacja Szybka instrukcja uruchamiania w jedenastu krokach 1. Wybrać miejsce na otwartej przestrzeni, gdzie turbiny wiatrowej będzie wystawiona na działanie równomiernych podmuchów wiatru, i gdzie nie występują utrudnienia, które mogłyby zakłócać skuteczną pracę mechanizmu ustawiania pod odpowiednim kątem.
Rutland Furlmatic 910-4 Windcharger Installation & Operation For Your Records For your future reference we recommend you note the following: Serial Number: Date of Purchase: Date of Installation: Type of Regulator: Notes: Doc No: SM-138 Iss. F 01.10.19 Marlec Eng Co Ltd...
No responsibility is assumed for use of a non "furling" versions of the Rutland Windcharger where Marlec or one of its authorised agents finds that a generator incorporating a furling device should have been used.
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Manufactured in the UK by Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Rutland House, Trevithick Road, Corby, NN17 5XY Tel:+44 (0)1536 201588 Fax:+44 (0)1536 400211 [email protected]