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Rutland 504 Windcharger
Installation & Operation
Rutland 504 Windcharger
(12 V)
Owners Manual
Installation and Operation
Document No: SB-150 Issue B 17.02.10
Marlec Eng Co Ltd
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Rutland 504 Windcharger

  • Página 1 Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Rutland 504 Windcharger (12 V) Owners Manual Installation and Operation Document No: SB-150 Issue B 17.02.10 Marlec Eng Co Ltd...
  • Página 2 Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Document No: SB-150 Issue B 17.02.10 Marlec Eng Co Ltd...
  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

    Tower Preparation....................8 Tail and Nose Assembly...................8 Electrical Connections & Fitting to the Tower............9 Up and Running Four Point Final Checklist..................9 Typical Wiring Diagram for the Rutland 504 Windcharger ....10 Siting The Windcharger General Considerations....................11 On Board Systems....................12 Land Based Systems....................13 Further System Requirements Batteries........................14...
  • Página 4: Summary Of Features And Uses

    ISO9001 approved factory. To ensure you get the very best out of the Rutland 504 we recommend that you read this manual and familiarise yourself with its contents before installing and operating the Windcharger system.
  • Página 5: General Guidelines And Warnings

    Windcharger and incorrect installation will invalidate the warranty. The fuse supplied must be fitted to protect the system. • The Rutland 504 Windcharger is suitable for sailing boats and some land based • applications. When storm winds are forecast the turbine can be restrained to minimise wear and tear particularly when installed on land based applications where furling model windchargers are normally recommended.
  • Página 6: Check You Have Received

    A Rutland Charge Regulator from our range • Cable (usually 2.5mm² twin core - Part No 902-015) • Rutland 503/504 Marine Mounting Kit and Stays Kit ( CA-12/01 & CA-12/32 ) • Rutland 503/504 Land Tower Kit & Rigging Kit ( CA-12/12 & CA-12/13 ) •...
  • Página 7: Assembly & Installation Twelve Step Quick Start Guide

    Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Assembly & Installation Twelve Step Quick Start Guide 1. Choose an open site to expose the Windcharger to a clear flow of wind and avoiding obstructions. On board mount the Windcharger at least 2.0 metres above the deck and on land at least 4 - 6 m high.
  • Página 8: Tower Preparation

    40mm from top of the tube. 40mm → 3. Drill two holes 8.5mm in diameter on centre-punch positions. Note: When using the Rutland 504 Mounting Kits, items 2 and 3 can be ignored, as these are pre-drilled. Marlec Tower Options Rutland 504 Marine Mounting Kit CA-12/01 •...
  • Página 9: Electrical Connections & Fitting To The Tower

    Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Electrical Connection and Fitting to The Tower 1. Run the cable selected (see Fig 14) down the inside of the pole. 2. Select one of the basic wiring systems in Figs 3, 4 & 5 and follow the manual provided with the selected charge regulator.
  • Página 10: Typical Wiring Diagram For The Rutland 504 Windcharger

    Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Typical Wiring Diagrams For The Rutland 504 Windcharger Fig 3 HRS504 Regulator with Solar Module (max solar panel rating 80W. NB a diode must be fitted to the solar panel) In-line fuse Fig 4...
  • Página 11: Siting The Windcharger

    Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Siting the Wind charger General Considerations The location and height of the mounting pole or tower for your wind turbine will be the major factor in the overall performance of your system. The smooth flow of wind over land and water is often interrupted by a multitude of obstructions causing wind sheer and turbulence.
  • Página 12: On Board Systems

    2 metres (6.5 feet) above the deck and away from other obstacles which could interfere with the blades or tail assembly (Fig. 7). The Rutland 504 is designed to fit inside an • aluminium or stainless steel tube with an internal diameter of 31.7mm (1...
  • Página 13: Land Based Systems

    Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Land Based Systems Fig.11 The Rutland 504 is designed to fit inside an Fig.8 aluminium or stainless steel tube with an internal diameter of 31.7mm (1 ”). Max external diameter 38.1mm (1½”). Pivot type towers are recommended as these allow for easier installation and lowering for access to the wind generator.
  • Página 14: Further System Requirements

    Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Further System Requirements Batteries Total = 12v 120Ah Leisure/Deep Cycle batteries are specifically 1440Wh designed for good performance in terms of charge/discharge cycles. Batteries are an important part of the renewable energy battery 60Ah...
  • Página 15: Specification And Performance

    Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Specification and Performance Guideline Performance Curve Note : The curve shown below is for clear, non-turbulent wind conditions; this may not be achieved in some installations. Refer to the section on Siting to optimise performance at your site.
  • Página 16: Maintenance And Troubleshooting

    Maintenance and Troubleshooting Inspection and Maintenance The Rutland 504 requires no scheduled maintenance but an annual inspection should be carried out to monitor the general condition of the system to ensure the electrical and mechanical integrity and safety of the system.
  • Página 17: Troubleshooting

    Installation & Operation Trouble Shooting In the unlikely event that your Rutland 504 should develop a defect, the turbine should first be tied to prevent the blades from turning to perform the static tests below. (Follow the procedure described in the Inspection and Maintenance section). It will be necessary to let it run for the tests to check for power production.
  • Página 18 Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation 5.Mechanical inspection. It may be necessary to remove the Wind charger from its pole for the following tests. A Check the brushes and slip ring for wear or damage. To inspect the brushes, remove the tail fin and the plastic nacelle.
  • Página 19: Installation Instructions (Abbreviated) - French

    Français Introduction Félicitations pour votre achat d’une éolienne Rutland 504 ! Comme tous nos produits, elle a été fabriquée avec le plus grand soin, dans notre usine certifiée ISO 9001. Pour obtenir pleine satisfaction de votre éolienne Rutland 504, nous vous recommandons de lire entièrement ce manuel et de vous familiariser avec son contenu avant de commencer l’installation ou de l’utiliser.
  • Página 20 Le fusible fourni doit être installé pour protéger l'appareil. • L’éolienne Rutland 504 est conçue pour une utilisation sur des bateaux à voiles ou certaines • applications terrestres. Lorsque des vents d’orage sont annoncés, l’éolienne peut être immobilisée pour prévenir les risques d’usure et de casse, notamment lorsqu’elle est installée...
  • Página 21 Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Guide d’installation en douze étape 1. Choisir un emplacement dégagé pour que l’éolienne soit exposée au vent sans aucune obstruction. A bord d’un bateau, la monter au minimum 2,5 m au-dessus du pont et sur terre à...
  • Página 22: Introducción

    Utilizamos sumo cuidado en la fabricación de todos nuestros productos en nuestra fábrica aprobada por la Norma ISO9001. Para asegurarnos de que reciba lo mejor de nuestro Rutland 504, le recomendamos que lea este manual y se familiarice con su contenido antes de instalar y poner en funcionamiento el sistema del cargador eólico.
  • Página 23 Ajuste el fusible incluido para proteger el sistema. • El cargador Rutland 504 es apropiado para barcos de vela y algunas aplicaciones • terrestres. Cuando se pronostica una tormenta de viento, se puede sujetar la turbina para minimizar el desgaste y daño particularmente cuando se encuentra instalada en...
  • Página 24 Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Guía rápida de inicio – 12 pasos 1. Elija un sitio abierto para exponer al cargador eólico a un flujo libre de viento y así evitar obstrucciones. A bordo, monte el cargador eólico por lo menos a 2,4 metros de la cubierta, en tierra por lo menos a 4 hasta 6 metros de altura.
  • Página 25: Installation Instructions (Abbreviated) - German

    Deutsche Einleitung Wir gratulieren und bedanken uns für den Erwerb Ihres Rutland 504 Windchargers. Wir leisten die beste Sorgfalt bei der Herstellung von allen unseren Geräten gemäß dem anerkannten Betriebsstandard ISO9001. Zur Gewährleistung für alle Vorteile beim Gebrauch von Rutland 504 bitten wir Sie diese Anleitung vollständig durchzulesen, bevor Sie mit der Montage und...
  • Página 26 Die mitgelieferte Sicherung muss zum Schutz des Gerätes angebracht werden. • Der Rutland 504 Windcharger eignet sich für Segelboote und für einige Anwendungen zu Land. • Wenn Sturmwinde vorhergesagt werden, kann die Turbine gedrosselt werden, um einen Verschleiß...
  • Página 27 Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation Kurzanleitung mit zwölf Anhaltspunkten 1. Wählen sie eine offene Stelle für die Montage Ihres Windchargers in einem bestimmten Luftstrom und unter der Vermeidung von Hindernissen. An Bord sollte der Windcharger mindestens 2.4 Meter über dem Deck und zu Lande mindestens 4 - 6 Meter hoch angebracht werden.
  • Página 28: For Your Records

    Rutland 504 Windcharger Installation & Operation For Your Records For your future reference we recommend you note the following: Serial Number: Date of Purchase: Date of Installation: Type of Regulator: Document No: SB-150 Issue B 17.02.10 Marlec Eng Co Ltd...
  • Página 29: Limited Warranty

    No responsibility is assumed for damage caused by the use of any unauthorised components. No responsibility is assumed for use of a non "furling" versions of the Rutland Wind charger where Marlec or one of its authorised agents finds that a generator incorporating a furling device should have been used.

Tabla de contenido