relative to the 6 coin channels of the parallel coin mechanism and
the 4 channels of the parallel banknote reader.
"Executive systems" allows the activation of the "Price Holding"
option of the Executive payment systems. It is also available
the programming of the 72 "price lines" relative to all possible
products. Remember that the value of the "price lines" is a
value relayed to the Executive system (to identify the product) in
alternative to the effective value of the price only when the "Price
Holding" option is activated.
In this way the coin mechanism, noting the requested product,
determines the real price of sale through its price table. It is
necessary to set-up the same prices on the logic board of the
machine (with the relevant menu) as set up on the coin mechanism
just for the correct visualization and management of the sale.
The refund if vend fail option (only for executive systems) is
used for credit refund if the product vend fail because of a
"MDB systems" allows the selection of single coin acceptance
and payout. The payout mode select single-vend (payout after
a vend), multi-vend (payout after a vend and if push button is
pressed or the programmed timeout is elapsed) or coin-changer
(payout every time the push button is pressed) functionality of
the machine. Enabling and disabling coins acceptance/payout is
possible to convert some type of coins to another.
The maximum payout parameter limits the coins dispensing while
minimum coins level is a further margin (added to that inside to
the coin changer) only for viewing the exact change alert.
The bills security option confi gures a high security acceptance
of bills.
Note: while a service menu is active the coins inserted into MDB
coin changer are not accumulated. This is important if a coins
fi ll menu is not available inside the coin changer. The maximum
cashless revalue parameter limits the available credit transferred
into the key (this maximum is also compared with that inside to
the system). The available credit automatically moves to the key
to its insertion, while if the key is already inserted, the credit is
contemporarily transferred.
This menu unites different parameters of confi guration of various
parts and functioning of the machine. We have the activation of
the cooler group with relative set-up of the temperature and the
option to block vends in the event of the temperature being too
high in respect of that programmed. It is possible to program the
primary language of the display and activate an eventual double
language of choice to visualize the contemporaneous translation
of all texts present during a vend. It is also possible to personalize
the visualization of the graphic display during a vend. In particular
you can deactivate the current credit visualization in the sales
scheme, activate the temperature visualization and activate the
date/time visualization. All of these visualizations, and other
eventual warning signs that can appear in particular situations,
appear in sequence and with a time programmable from the
"Status view time" parameter.