Check Latch Operation - Bottom Latch - Schlage LM9200 Serie Instrucciones De Instalación

Put top latch in locked position.
Turn top cable adjustment screw clockwise.
Turn top screw until a
clicking sound is heard
from the spool.
Rotate the exterior lever to release the latch(es).
After lever is rotated, latch(es) should stay in released position.
If lever droops or does not return to home position, check
spring cage for correct orientation (see illustration at step 6a).
If lever does not rotate enough to release latch(es), turn
the bottom cable spool screw counter-clockwise (2-point latch
only) until the lever rotates fully and releases the top latch.
If the latch(es) do not stay in the released position, rotate
the top latchbolt by hand to released position.
See illustrations below.
Top latch released
If the top latch does not rotate when pushed by hand, then
turn the top cable spool screw clockwise until clicking is heard
from the top spool.
If clicking is heard immediately, check that the cable is not caught
or jammed.
Check latch operation – bottom latch
The tilting link indicates a 2-point system is properly adjusted.
With latches released as described at step 6e, check the center
slot on the front edge of the mortise case. The tilting link should be
visible extending slightly at the opening as shown below.
If the tilting link is visible slightly extended at the center slot,
skip to page 10, step 7d.
If the tilting link IS NOT extended slightly at the center slot
opening as shown, follow the instructions at step 7a below.
Turn the bottom cable spool screw counter-clockwise 3 turns.
The tilting link should be visible extending slightly at the center slot
(see illustration above ).
If the tilting link is visible slightly extended at the center slot,
skip to page 10, step 7d.
If the tilting link IS NOT visible extended slightly at the center
slot, follow the instructions at step 7b.
Tilting link
tilting link
at center

