Section 13
Fold back Header/Fabric assembly and attach Cable Springs to #2 Bow bracket
Step 1
Header/Fabric assembly
Right Side
Step 1
Lift up the Header/Fabric assembly and fold
it back over the top of the Jeep, letting it
rest on the top just above the #2 Bow.
Step 2
Attach the free end of the Cable Spring to
the bottom hole in the #2 Bow corner
bracket, just behind the Door Rail.
Repeat on left side.
P19 - 54822 - Rev. C 0213
Step 2
Installation Instructions - Supertop NX Twill
Page 19
Step 3
Step 3
Crimp the end of the spring where it
passes through the hole in the corner
bracket, to prevent it from coming loose.
Repeat on left side.
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