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Installation Instructions
Safari Sun Bikini
Installation Tips
Before you begin installing your new Sun Bikini, please read all
the instructions thoroughly.
For a smooth fit:
For easier installation, the top should be installed at a temperature above
72º F. Below this temperature, the fabric may contract an inch or more,
making it difficult to fit the vehicle.
It is normal for the fabric to contract and wrinkle when stored in the ship-
ping carton. Within a few days after installation, the fabric will relax and the
wrinkles will disappear.
Safety glasses should be worn at all
times when installing this product.
T-30 and
T-40 Torx
This product is designed primarily to enhance the appearance of the vehicle and to shield the occupants from ordinary weather conditions. Do not rely in
any way on the components of this product to contain the occupants within the vehicle, or to protect against injury or death in the event of an accident, This product will not protect
the occupants from falling objects. Never operate the vehicle in excess of manufacturer's specifications.
Read and follow, precisely, all installation instructions provided when installing this product. Failure to do so may result in a poor fit and could place occupants of the vehicle in a
potentially dangerous situation.
P1 - 52404 - Rev. D 1119
Installation Time
Skill Level
1 - Easy
Installation Instructions - Safari Sun Bikini
Vehicle Application:
Jeep Wrangler TJ
1997 – 2006
Part Number: 52404
We're here to help!
1/4 Hour
Go to www.Bestop.com and
click "Contact Us"
See a video showing
installation of this top at
© 2015 Bestop, Inc.

Resumen de contenidos para Bestop Safari Sun Bikini

  • Página 1 Read and follow, precisely, all installation instructions provided when installing this product. Failure to do so may result in a poor fit and could place occupants of the vehicle in a potentially dangerous situation. Installation Instructions - Safari Sun Bikini P1 - 52404 - Rev. D 1119...
  • Página 2 Vehicle Application: Jeep Wrangler TJ Installation Instructions 1997 – 2006 Safari Sun Bikini Part Number: 52404 Installation Instructions - Safari Sun Bikini P2 - 52404 - Rev. D 1119 © 2015 Bestop, Inc.
  • Página 3: Included Parts

    Part # 511.40 Used in Sections 1 & 6 – 9 Sun Bikini Used on Pages 4 & 9 – 12 Sun Bikini Installation Instructions - Safari Sun Bikini P3 - 52404 - Rev. D 1119 © 2015 Bestop, Inc.
  • Página 4 Use a Torx socket to remove the outside bolt that secures the sport bar to the windshield. Place the snap portion of the bracket over the sport bar and reinstall the bolt. Installation Instructions - Safari Sun Bikini P4 - 52404 - Rev. D 1119 © 2015 Bestop, Inc.
  • Página 5 Slip the loop on the Web Strap over one of the rod ends. Connect the front rod halves together by sliding the left rod into the coupler on the right rod. Installation Instructions - Safari Sun Bikini P5 - 52404 - Rev. D 1119 © 2015 Bestop, Inc.
  • Página 6 Install Sun Bikini Step 1 Sun Bikini Step 1 Drape the Sun Bikini over the sport bar and snap to the Brackets on each side. Installation Instructions - Safari Sun Bikini P6 - 52404 - Rev. D 1119 © 2015 Bestop, Inc.
  • Página 7 Wrap the bow flap around the sport bar loop at the windshield. and thread the Web Strap through the buckle sewn to the bow flap strap. Installation Instructions - Safari Sun Bikini P7 - 52404 - Rev. D 1119 © 2015 Bestop, Inc.
  • Página 8 Sun Bikini over the secure the hook and loop. Repeat this step at rear knob. the rear hole location Installation Instructions - Safari Sun Bikini P8 - 52404 - Rev. D 1119 © 2015 Bestop, Inc.
  • Página 9 Wrap the strap sewn to the side of the Locate the Buckles and straps sewn to the rear Safari Sun Bikini around the sport bar and corners of the Safari Bikini. Wrap the straps thread it through the buckle on the side of around the sport bars and under the seat belt the Bikini.
  • Página 10 Bikini release the Sun Bikini snaps from the brackets. Fold the front edge back and use the web strap with snaps to snap it in place near the knob. Installation Instructions - Safari Sun Bikini P10 - 52404 - Rev. D 1119 © 2015 Bestop, Inc.
  • Página 11 Your Bestop product is made of the finest materials available. To keep it looking new and for the maximum possible wear, it will need periodic cleaning and maintenance. Fabric: The fabric should be washed often using soap, warm water and a soft bristle brush Rinse with clear water to remove all traces of soap. Bestop recommends using Bestop Cleaner (part no.
  • Página 12 Su producto Bestop está hecho con materiales de la más alta calidad. Para mantener su apariencia nueva y alargar su uso al máximo posible, necesitará limpieza y mantenimiento periódicos. Tela: debe lavar la tela con frecuencia usando jabón, agua tibia y un cepillo de cerdas suaves. Enjuague con agua limpia para eliminar todos los residuos de jabón. Bestop recomienda utilizar el Limpiador Bestop (número de parte 11201-00) y el Protector Bestop (número de parte 11202-00).
  • Página 13 Votre produit Bestop est fabriqué des meilleurs matériaux disponibles. Il devra être nettoyé et entretenu régulièrement afin de maintenir son apparence neuve et pour une durée d’utilisation maximale. Tissu : Le tissu doit être lavé régulièrement à l’aide de savon, d’eau chaude et d’une brosse à soies douces. Rincer à l’eau claire afin d’éliminer toute trace de savon. Bestop recommande d’utiliser le nettoyant Bestop Cleaner (no de pièce 11201-00) et le protecteur Bestop Protectant (no de pièce 11202-00).