Pos: 79 /Technische Dokumentation/Betriebsanleitung/Sicherheit/Vermeidung von Schäden/Verformung der Pumpe @ 5\mod_1450339144647_370.docx @ 59378 @ 3 @ 1
2.9.10 Deformation of the pump
Deformation of the pump must be avoided.
Adhere to the assembly torques stipulated for the screws.
The pump must be set up completely on the foundation.
Pos: 80 /Technische Dokumentation/Betriebsanleitung/Sicherheit/Vermeidung von Schäden/Sichere Nutzung des Produktes Multi @ 4\mod_1449223729904_370.docx @ 54467 @ 3 @ 1
2.9.11 Safe use of the product
Safe use of the product is no longer guaranteed in the following
If the pipework is not in proper condition.
If the pump seizes. See chapter 2.8 on page 12.
If protective devices are damaged or missing, e.g. protection
against accidental contact.
If there is stress on the pump/unit or pipes during installation.
If the pump/unit is not installed correctly.
If there is a technical fault.
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