You can do this stylishly and elegantly using our BEEM Pour
Over Kettle with Thermometer. The kettle can be used on
any hob (gas, electric, ceramic glass, induction) and holds up to
1.2 l of water. The thermometer in the lid shows you exactly how
hot the water inside is. This means you always have the optimum
temperature for enjoying the perfect cup of coffee. The curved,
fi ligree spout of the kettle maintains the water at the right
temperature and ensures exactly the right dosage. The bamboo
grip fi ts perfectly in the hand and is noted for feeling pleasant to
touch. The kettle, which also fi ts perfectly alongside your Coffee
Press coffee maker jug, can be obtained from selected specialist
stockists, directly via our website www.beem.de or from our
customer service department on request.
Infusion Time
With the infusion time, you can experiment depending on
the coffee and your taste preference. Anything from 2 to 6
minutes is allowed. Less than 2 minutes and not enough fl a-
vours will be released and the coffee will taste too thin and
watery. More than 6 minutes and too many bitter substanc-
es will be released from the coffee powder and the coffee
will become bitter. We recommend starting with an infusion
time of approx. 4 minutes.
After the end of the infusion time, you should pour the
coffee into a cup as quickly as possible and not leave it in
the Coffee Press coffee maker jug for very long because the
coffee powder at the bottom will continue to extract, so
giving off aromas and bitter substances.