Assembling the Exercise Bike
Installing the Upright Support and Cables
Before you begin this procedure, retrieve the cables for the
console that you plan to install on this exercise bike, or for any
Cardio Theater® equipment that you plan to install on the
Note: You will need the help of another person to complete
this procedure.
To install the upright support and prepare the cables for
connection to the console:
2. Proceed according to whether or not you are installing
3. Feed the lower ends of the following cables through the
4. Using the wire tie you removed in step 1, bind together the
5. Place the upright support on the floor with its lower end
6. Remove the extra serial number label from the upright
Do not attempt to connect electrical power until
all assembly procedures are complete and the
console is properly installed.
Remove the wire tie holding the base unit data cable in
place inside the upright support channel.
Cardio Theater equipment on the console.
If ...
You are not installing Cardio Theater
equipment on the console
You are installing Cardio Theater equipment
on the console
opening just above the front stabilizer:
Television cable
Power cable
upper ends of all cables.
Note: A fish tape can be helpful in the following step.
next to the body assembly. Thread the cable or cables
upward through the support, then use the wire tie to
secure the upper connectors of the cables at the top of
the support.
Note: In the following step, do not remove the extra serial
number label from its backing.
support channel on the body assembly. Set the label
aside; you will be attaching it later in the installation.
Then ...
Skip to step 5.
Continue with
step 3.