7.3– Bearing insulation:
Inverter Duty Motors Line in frame sizes
315S/M and 355M/L* are supplied with
ground system between the shaft and frame
on D.E. Also, on request can be supplied
with insulated bearings.
For other lines, in frame sizes 315S/M and
355M/L* when used with VFD's, it is required
ground system between the shaft and frame
or insulated bearings.
(*) Other frame sizes, under request.
8.1 - Smoke extraction motors
Due to their application, Smoke Extraction
Motors require the following additional
operating instructions:
- Ensure that the motor temperature class,
indicated on the identification nameplate,
- Install non-ventilated motors right on the
air flow of the cooling fan. Self-ventilated
motors can be installed out of the air flow.
- Bearings of Smoke Extraction Motors
must be relubricated with Krytox GPL 226
grease (special grease for Smoke Extraction
Motors). The relubrication intervals are
5 times higher (limiting on 20.000 hours)
as those applied to MOBIL Polyrex® EM
grease, specified on table 1 and 2. After
20.000 accumulated running hours the
bearings must be replace.
- The amount of grease for Krytox GPL
226 is the double of the values indicated to
MOBIL Polyrex® EM on the table 1 and 2.
- Provide a control system to switch-off
motor thermal protection devices during
Smoke Extract Duty.
- If the motor at normal condition (40°C
ambient) is driven by Inverter (VFD), at
Smoke Extraction Duty it must be connected
direct on line.
- The lifetime of the winding is 40.000 hours.
Change the whole motor when the winding
has been use for this time.
- Every time a motor is used for Smoke
Extract Duty, this motor must be replaced
as it should be used only once under such
8.2 Hazardous area motors
8.2.1 General
Besides the recommendations given above,
Hazardous area motors are manufactured
according to specific standards for such
Motors supplied for hazardous area (classified
areas) must be installed in areas that comply
with those specified on the motor nameplate.
- Motors of Zone 1 are also suitable for Zone 2.
- Motors of the group IIB are suitable also for
the group IIA.
- Motors of the group II or IIC are suitable also
for the groups IIA and IIB.
- Motors of a given class of temperature are
suitable also for combustible environments of
a greater class of temperature (example, T4
motors are suitable for environments of class
T3, T2, T1).
8.2.2 Installation
A complete installation must follow procedures
given by local legislation in effect.
he insTallaTion of hazardous
area moTors musT be carried ouT
by skilled people
he specificaTion of The moTor
insTallaTion siTe is for cusTomer
deTermine The environmenT
When cable entrance is made by a cable
gland, this must be suitable to the unit and
to the type of cable; the cable gland has to
be assembled, completely screwed in order
to get the necessary pressure on the sealing
rings, so as to:
- Avoid transmission of mechanical vibrations
to the motor terminals.
- Guarantee mechanical protection "IP" to the
terminal box.
8.2.3 Checking and maintenance
Maintenance must be carried out by repair
shops duly authorized and accredited by
who will also