The old songs do not usually have so many serious as today. It is often
used often EQ serious to amplify low (frequencies severe) an old song
and leveling its grave with a modern. Failure to do so may give the
impression that, when moving from one song at a recent ancient music
sounds lower.
Likewise, even the songs recorded in the same year may sound
different from one another, yet despite reproduce the same volume. This
effect is usually due to one of them has some ways more pronounced
than the other. If the grave of both songs seem to sound the same
volume, you can use the EQ means to "lower volume" the song that
sounds even stronger balance with the song weaker.
Also, DJs also like to play on their performances in their opinion by
manipulating the songs that capture. For example, a DJ that can cut the
frequency of severe acute and a track a few bars before the chorus of a
song, and then recover them at the right time in starting the chorus.
When playing two songs at the same time, it is common that the
music sound cloudy. This effect is usually due to an incompatibility of
the two serious songs. The reason may be that tonality of the two songs
is different, or that both songs have serious long and sustained notes.
To solve this problem and gain clarity, low enough to eliminate one of
the songs.
The mixture will retain the grave of another song, so we will continue
sounding natural.