The packaging is wholly composed of
environmentally-friendly materials that can
be disposed of at a local recycling centre.
Contact your local refuse disposal authority for
more details of how to dispose of your worn out
electrical devices.
Environmental compatibility and
disposal of materials:
P aint, varnishes etc. are special wastes which
must be disposed of in the appropriate manner.
o bserve the regulations applicable in your area.
o bserve the manufacturer's instructions.
E nvironmentally damaging chemicals must not
be allowed to enter the soil, groundwater or
C arrying out spraying at the edge of water-
courses or adjoining areas (catchments) is
therefore prohibited.
C onsider their environmental compatibility
when buying paints, varnishes etc.
Disposal / Declaration of Conformity / Manufacture
Declaration of Conformity /
We, KoMPERNASS GMBH, the person responsible
for documents: Mr Semi Uguzlu, BURGSTR. 21,
44867 BoCHUM, GERMANY, hereby declare that
this product complies with the following standards,
normative documents and EU directives:
Machinery Directive
(2006 / 42 / EC)
Applicable harmonized standards
DIN EN 1953:1998+A1:2009
(EN 1953:1998+A1:2009)
Type / Machine designation:
Air paint spray gun PDFP 500 A1
Date of manufacture (DOM): 04–2013
Serial number: IAN 89567
Bochum, 30.04.2013
Semi Uguzlu
- Quality Manager -
We reserve the right to make technical modifications
in the course of product development.