This device allows the SL402409 motor for sliding gates to work during
Warning! You may only use the battery charger with an electronic card
which has a printed circuit number of 1038.02 or greater.
When the power is switched on, the battery charger relays are activated
and the two transformer secondaries are directly connected to the fastons
on the main circuit board. When the power is switched off, the relays are
at rest, and the battery power is supplied to the logic and motor control
parts of the unit. It follows therefore that when the unit is working off
battery power the voltage applied to the motor will be less than that
present during normal operation and the sliding action of the motor will
consequently be slower.
Terminal board connections
Connect the wire from the 30V transformer "secondary 2" to this
binding post.
Connect the wire from the 0V transformer "secondary 2" to this
binding post.
3-4 Inputs: connect the wires from the 24V transformer "secondary 1"
to these binding posts.
Output to be connected to the faston marked "V2" (fi g.4d)
Output to be connected to the faston marked "V0" (fi g.4d)
Output to be connected to the faston marked "V3" (fi g.4d)
Output to be connected to the faston marked "V4" (fi g.4d)
24V battery negative
24V battery positive
Note: The 22V transformer "secondary 2" wire (22V voltage) is to be con-
nected to the faston marked "V1" (fi g.4d). Check the connection at binding
posts 7 and 8 and the fastons on the electronic card: if you invert these
wires the electronic card will not receive power.
Signal LEDs (fi g.4d)
L1: lit when the battery is properly connected
L2: lit when the current supplied by the battery charger is greater than
the battery maintainment level (about 50mA for a 3,2 Ah battery).
Protection against battery polarity inversion
A battery protection fuse "F4" (avoiding reversed polarity damage) is
located on the battery charger card; if the battery charger is wired incor-
rectly the fuse "F4" will trip together with the motor circuit protection fuse
"F3" (10A rapid).
The LED "L1" on the battery charger will light up when the battery is
properly connected. The proper procedure is as follows:
- with the power to the PRG850 control unit switched off at the mains,
connect the battery to the battery charger: if LED "L1" lights up, the
battery is properly connected and you may therefore switch on the power
to the control unit. If LED "L1" does not light up, invert the polarity of
the battery.
The wires connecting the battery to the charger card must never be
short circuited, this would damage the battery, and in the worst of
cases could lead to burns (if metal parts are touching the skin when
the contact is made). The batteries must only be installed/removed by
qualifi ed personnel. Used batteries must not be thrown into domes-
tic rubbish bins and they must be desposed according to the local
standards and regulations in force.
• As the work time controller and the torque limiter are disabled when the
battery is functioning but the travel limits and other security devices are
active the following should be taken into account:
1) You will not be able to stop the gate when it is moving by simply pushing
against the travel direction.
2) The travel limits must be installed correctly as the gate will only be
stopped by them (unless other safety devices have been installed).
3) Programming the PRG850 must never be carried out while the system
is running on battery power.
• The self-suffi ciency of the system when it is running on battery power
is dependent on the ambient conditions and on the load connected to
the 24V output of the electronic programmer (power is always routed
there during blackouts).
• Make sure that the load on the 24V output, as well as the fl ashing warn-
ing lights, can work off direct current
• If the battery voltage falls below the minimum during blackouts and
the gate is completely closed the programmer will block. You will only
be able to reset the programmer once the battery level has returned to
the minimum required level.