6.5 Ultrasonic cleaning operation
The ultrasonic energy is converted physically into heat. The unit and the cleaning medium heat up during ultrasound operation, even if the heating is not
switched on. Temperatures of more than 60 °C can be reached in continuous operation with the cover on. If cleaning temperature-sensitive items, take the
temperature increase of the cleaning medium into account.
The user is responsible for monitoring the cleaning result and for checking the items being cleaned for damage early enough in the cleaning
6.6 Setting the ultrasonic power
This unit allows adjusting the ultrasonic power to the items being cleaned. (delicate surfaces)
Use the Gen.power switch (Fig. 4.10.1) to select a value between 10 and 100%
6.7 Introducing objects for cleaning
Only liquids and the items immersed in them may be exposed to ultrasonic irradiation. Never expose persons, animals or plants to ultrasonic irradiation
for cleaning purposes, except for justified exceptions.
Do not reach into the tank during ultrasound operation!
Cell walls, in particular at the bones and joints, can be damaged by prolonged exposure to ultrasound.
Do not place any items on the tank floor! Do not place objects directly on the floor of the ultrasonic tank, this may damage the unit.
Use cleaning basket! Place the objects into the stainless-steel cleaning basket (accessory).
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