STEP3 Connecting the printer to your PC
Select if you do the user registration at
once, and click [Next].
When selecting "Yes, display the page.", the
screen for online user registration is displayed via
internet. After the user registration, continue the
installation (registration is recommended).
When selecting "No, do not display the page.",
the installation continues.
Click [Finish].
The installation of software is completed.
When the installation is completed, the
message which prompts to reboot the PC may
be displayed. In this case, select "Restart" and
click [Finish].
Start up each installed software.
When starting P-touch Editor, click in order of [Start]-[All Programs (Programs)]-
[Brother P-touch]-[P-touch Editor 4.2].
When starting P-touch Address Book, click in order of [Start] - [All Programs
(Programs)] - [Brother P-touch] - [P-touch Address Book 1.0].
For details on software, refer to
Software User's Guide (PDF Manual) can be displayed by clicking in order of [Start]-
[ALL Programs (Programs)]-[Brother P-Touch]-[Manuals]-[QL-Series User's Guide
"Software User's Guide (PDF Manual)".