thank you for purchasing an everpure by Pentair ViruPure™
Multi-Stage Purifying Water Filtration System for your home.
With your everpure by Pentair system, you get premium
quality water direct from your faucet that's great-tasting and
convenient for you and your family.
the system and installation must comply with all state and
local laws, regulations and plumbing codes. the contaminants
or other substances removed or reduced by this water
treatment system are not necessarily in your water.
product SpEcificationS
• For Cold Water use only
• temperature range: 35–100°F (2–38°C)
• Min.–Max. Working Pressure: 25–80 psi (1.7–5.5 bar)
• Service Flow rate: 0.5 gpm (1.9 lpm)
• replacement Cartridge: V-500 Pn eV979826
• Filter Cartridge Capacity: 500 gallons (1,893 l)*
• For use on visually clear water.
*Filter cartridge life varies depending on usage and
water conditions.
tHiS SySteM iS nSF CertiFied For and iS to Be uSed in
drinKing Water aPPliCationS only. it iS not intended
to Be uSed For MediCal PurPoSeS or ProCeSSeS.
• Finely polishes treated water to premium quality for
drinking and cooking.
• reduces chloramine and chlorine taste and odor.
• reduces even extreme levels of common "off" tastes and
odors, including those which are earthy, moldy, and fishy.
• reduces lead to below the Federal action level of 15 ppb.
• reduces volatile organic chemicals (VoCs), including
trihalomethanes (tHMs).
• reduces methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MtBe).
• inhibits limescale buildup in water-using appliances - as
tested by Pentair.
• the V-500 filter cartridge reduces bacteria, virus, dirt,
rust, and other particulates including sulfides (oxidized
iron and manganese as tested by Pentair.
2 • EvErpurE
ViruPure™ VP-100-QC Multi-Stage Water Filtration System
GEnEral inStallation/opEration/
MaintEnancE rEquirEMEntS
• Space required: 5 x 5 x 22 inches (13 x 13 x 56 cm)
including 2-1/2 inches (63 mm) of clear space under unit
for cartridge change.
• install vertically with cartridge hanging down.
• use minimum length of tubing possible.
• new cartridges must be conditioned.