Distance measurement
To measure the distance to an object, it must be
perfectly targeted To do this, activate the target
mark by pressing the release button (3) once The
target mark remains lit for about 4 seconds after
letting go the release button The target mark
remains permanently lit as long as the button is
held down Whilst the target mark is lit, train the
Leica Rangemaster on the object and press the
release button a second time; the distance is then
measured and displayed The target mark goes
out briefly during the measurement A new measu-
rement can be made at any time, as long as the
target mark is lit, by pressing the release butto-
nonce again If the object is less than 10 m away,
is out of range or does not provide enough reflec-
tion, then "- - -" appears on the display The Leica
Rangemaster switches itself off as soon as the
display disappears
Scan mode
With the Leica Rangemaster, continuous meas-
urements can be made If the release button (3) is
held down the second time it is pressed, after
approx 05 seconds the unit switches to scan
mode, and then takes continuous measurements
This is indicated by the changing display: a new
measured value is output around every 15
Scan mode is particularly practical when meas-
uring to smaller targets
Due to the constant measurements, the power
consumption is greater in scan mode than for sin-
gle measurements