Qs Control Unit - Lutron GRAFIK Eye QS Serie Guía Rápido De Instalación Y Funcionamiento

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Wiring the GRAFIK Eye
Line Voltage Wiring Details (continued)
Step 4: Connect line voltage and loads
to control unit.
• Strip 9 in (8 mm) of insulation off the line
voltage/mains cables in the wallbox.
9 in
(8 mm)
• Connect the line voltage/mains, ground,
and load wires to the appropriate
terminals on the back of the control unit.
L: Hot/Live
N: Neutral
: Ground
Terminals 1-6: Dimmed/Switched
line voltage outputs

QS Control Unit:

The recommended installation torque is
5.0 in∙lb (0.6 N∙m) for line voltage/mains
connections and 5.0 in∙lb (0.6 N∙m) for
the earth/ground connection.
Note: See the zone setup section for a
list of compatible load types and
instructions for programming the
properly recognize them.
Notice: Risk of damage to unit . GRAFIK Eye
qual i fied electrician in accordance with all applica ble reg u la tions and building codes.
Im prop er wiring can result in dam age to control units or oth er equipment.
Note: To avoid over heat ing and pos si ble damage to equipment, do not install control
units to dim re cep ta cles, mo tor-op erated ap pli ances, or flu o res cent lighting not
equipped with Lutron Hi-lume
other devices approved for your location. In dimmed mag net ic low-voltage cir cuits,
you can pre vent trans former overheating and failure by avoid ing excessively high cur-
rent flow. Do not op erate control units with any lamps re moved or burned out; re place
any burned out lamps imme di ate ly; use only transform ers that in cor po rate ther mal
pro tection or fused pri ma ry wind ings. Control units are de signed for res i den tial and
commercial use, for indoor use only.
For additional information, see the complete installation and operation guide at www.lutron.com/qs
QS control unit to
, Eco-10
, Tu-Wire
QS Control Unit Quick Installation and Operation Guide 5
QS control units must be in stalled by a
, electron ic dim ming ballasts, or
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