If the gate movement turns out to be reversed, check the dip switch 2-1, do not change the wiring or the limit switch or the electric motor.
Programming and deleting the remote control.
The first saved remote control sets the type of remote controls that can be used (rolling code or hard code)
programming the button of the remote control associated with the AP/CH input:
Press and hold down the P2 button until the DL9 LED starts flashing slowly, release button P2
Press the button of the remote control to save as the full gate opening and closing command, within 10 seconds
The DL9 LED comes on with a steady light for 2 seconds and then goes out, the remote control is saved, to save other remote controls, repeat the
above procedure.
Programming the button of the remote control associated with the APED input or 2CAN output (see dip switch number 3):
Press and hold down the P2 button until the DL9 LED starts flashing quickly, for approximately 4 seconds, release button P2
Press the button of the remote control to save as the pedestrian gate opening command or 2CAN output activation, within 10 seconds
The DL9 LED comes on with a steady light for 2 seconds and then goes out, the remote control is saved, to save other remote controls, repeat the
above procedure.
Deleting all the saved remote controls:
Switch off the power supply to the control panel. Press and hold down button P2, switch back on the power supply to the control panel without releasing
button P2. Led DL9 starts to flash, the flashing speed then increases, when led DL9 goes out release button P2.
At the end of this procedure all the remote controls in memory are deleted, the first remote control that will be learned sets the type of remote controls
that can be saved in the control panel.
The maximum capacity is 128 remote controls, on reaching the maximum capacity, when entering remote control programming (the DL9 LED flashes)
on pressing the button of the new transmitter to be saved, the DL9 LED makes three quick flashes.
Saving the settings:
You can save the current setting of the dip switches and trimmers on the removable board and then remove it, in order to make further changes
impossible. Proceed as follows: press buttons P1 and P2 simultaneously until the DL9 LED lights up, release the buttons, the DL9 LED will flash quickly
and then go out. You can now remove the card and the settings of the dip switches and trimmers will be retained even after switching the control unit
off and back on again.
Testing the automatic gate system:
It is necessary to test all the accessories connected to the control unit, especially the safety devices such as the sensitive edges and photocells.
Remember that the photocells reverse the movement of the gate only during closure and, when pressed during opening, the sensitive edges reverse the
movement of the gate for 1.5 seconds, while if pressed when closing they fully re-open the gate.
7 - Trimmer for adjustments:
Automatic closing time
Braking on limit switch
Slowdown speed
Time for obstacle detection
Motor force
If this trimmer is set on the maximum, the anti-crushing function is not active
From 1 to 140 seconds maximum clockwise
From 20 to 100%, maximum, clockwise
From 0 to 100% (when zero, braking is not active), maximum, clockwise
From 30 to 100%, maximum, clockwise