The selective shielding of other cables and equipment present
in the surrounding area may reduce the problems due to inter-
ference. The shielding of the entire welding (cutting) installation
can be taken in consideration for special applications.
1.5 Positioning of the system
Keep to the following rules:
- Easy access to the equipment controls and connections
must be provided.
- Do not position the equipment in reduced spaces.
- Do not place the system on surfaces with inclination
exceeding 10° with respect to the horizontal plane.
1.6 IP Protection rating
Casing protection rating in compliance with EN 60529:
- Casing protected against access to dangerous parts with fin-
gers and against solid foreign bodies with diameter greater
than/equal to 12.5 mm
- Casing protected against rain failing at 60°on the vertical line.
- Casing protected against harmful effects of water seeping in
when the moving parts of the equipment are not operating.
The GENESIS PME are multifunction synergic generators that can
perform the following types of welding with excellent results:
- MMA;
The generator is equipped with:
- positive (+) and negative (-) socket;
- front panel,
- rear panel.
The Genesis PME can be supplied with WU21 cooling unit for
liquid cooling of the TIG and MIG torch.
2.1 Front control panel FP181
L1 : Power on: green led.
Comes on when the ignition switch on the rear panel (Fig. 2) "I1"
is in position "I". Indicates that the system is on and powered.
* L2: Protection device: yellow led.
Indicates cut-in of the thermal protection device or protection
due to incorrect power supply voltage. With "L2" on, an
alarm code blinks on "D1". The power source remains con-
nected to the mains but does not deliver power at the output.
Communication error
No phases
No coolant
Power module overheating
General alarm
Power module alarm
WF104 motor supply voltage not correct
Mean current too high. You are welding with a
mean current higher than the machine rated current.
Data memory error
Incorrect configuration
* L3 : Voltage output warning light (work) red led.
Indicates the presence of output voltage.
* 1 : 2/4 stage/crater filler selection push button.
Selects the power release mode:MIG/MAG 2-stage (
MIG/MAG 4-stage (
), MIG/MAG crater filler (
The coming on of the led beside the symbol confirms the selection.
* Crater filler .
In this operating mode the welder can manage three different
synergic welding levels (corresponding to three different wire
speed values) by pressing the torch button: the first time it is
pressed, we have an initial value (initial increment) that can
be set from set-up as a percentage of the welding value; the
first time it is released we have the normal welding value; the
second time it is pressed we have a third value (crater filler)
that can be set from set-up as a percentage of the welding
value; the second time it is released the welding process is
* 2 : Welding selection button.
Selects the following operating modes: electrode (
DC with LIFT start without torch button (
), synergic MIG/MAG (
The coming on of the led confirms the selection.
* 3 : Parameter reading selection key.
When this key is pressed, the actual value of the welding cur-
rent (
) and the actual value of the welding voltage (
are shown on the display (D1).
Fig. 1
), manual
), TIG