HOLD RECORD-PAUSE : Pause the recording
On RECORD mode, press the HOLD button to temporarily stop recording: PAUSE and HOLD are displayed.
The recorded values are frozen, the SMOOTH button can not be used.
- By successive presses on the MAX/MIN button you access reading of the MAX, MIN, AVG (HOLD is steady
on the display) and the current values (HOLD flashes).
NB : Press the MAX/MIN button again: HOLD is again steady on the display; you access the current digital
value frozen when HOLD was pressed; the recording is still temporarily paused.
- Press HOLD again and the recording restarts: HOLD and PAUSE disappear. The values previously recorded
are saved.
Exit recording mode
Press and hold the MAX/MIN button, reset the clamp to normal mode: RECORD or RECORD-PAUSE
disappears, the previously recorded values are erased.
Use of the switch also causes RECORD or RECORD-PAUSE mode to be exited.
The specifications are given in the following reference conditions :
- Temperature : + 23°C ± 3°C
- Relative humidity : 45% to 75% RH
- Battery voltage : 6 V ± 0.1 V
- Position of the conductor : centred in the clamp
- Diameter of the conductor : ≤ 15 mm
- DC magnetic field : the earth's field (< 40 A/m)
- External AC magnetic field : none
- External electrical field : none
- Frequency of the AC component of the signal : 45 Hz to 65 Hz
The accuracy is expressed as a % of the reading (± X% rdg) and in measurement counts
NB 1 : Unless contrary specification is given the response time of the display is 400 ms on "normal" mode and 3 s on
SMOOTH mode.
NB 2 : If applicable, particular reference conditions are specified with certain functions.
Particular reference conditions : sinusoidal signal
Limits on current measurements
- Operating frequency : 10 Hz to 5 kHz
- Permitted permanent overload: 2000 A (50 Hz)
- Temperature of clamped conductor : < 110°C
- NB : Display of
Measurement range
NB : Residual current on zero: ≤ 200 mA
flashing above 1500 A PEAK
0.30...59.99 A
2% rdg ± 2 counts + 0.2 A
10 mA
60.0...599.9 A
2% rdg ± 2 counts
100 mA
600...1000 A RMS
or 1500 A PEAK
1 A