Mix the ingredients and brush the meat with this
Coconut marinade
1 untreated lemon, 1 pinch of cayenne pepper,
1 small piece of fresh ginger, 1 clove of garlic,
150 ml unsugared coconut milk
Peel and grate the ginger, peel and press the
garlic, grate the lemon zest, and press the
lemon. Mix ginger, garlic, lemon zest and lemon
juice with the other ingredients, and marinade
the meat in this marinade.
Red wine marinade
¼ teaspoon of pimentos, 2 cloves, 2 teaspoons
of mustard seed, 3 juniper berries, 1 pinch of
cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 150 g of
red currant jelly, 100 ml of dry red wine
Crash pimentos, cloves, mustard, juniper,
pepper and cinnamon in a mortar. Heat oil in a
pan and add the spices. Add jelly and red wine
and heat until the jelly melts. Let the marinade
cool down and marinade the meat in it.
Orange marinade
juice from 3 sour oranges, 2 teaspoons of tar-
ragon, 1 table spoon of vinegar, ½ tea spoon
of pepper.
Contact-griddling is just the right thing for flat, boneless meat like hamburgers
or steaks or even vegetable slices. The food should be of more or less the same
thickness so that the lid rests well on all pieces. For contact-griddling close the
If the food slices are very thin, the highest level is recommended; if it is of
approx. 3 cm, a medium level is recommended.
Always heat the appliance up well. Do not put the food on the grill before. The
optimum thickness for meat is 1.5 – 3 cm. The food will be especially juicy when
marinated before.
We recommend salting the food after griddling, as especially beefsteak or liver
may become dry.
The times indicated in the recipes refer to contact-griddling with both grill plates.
If not otherwise indicated, the following recipes serve 4 persons:
Copyright UNOLD AG | www.unold.de
Mix all ingredients and marinade the meat.
Garlic marinade
8 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, 2 tea spoons of sage
leafs, ¼ l butter milk.
Chop garlic and onions, mix with the other ingre-
dients and marinade the meat.
Caraway marinade
1 table spoons of caraway seeds, ½ tea spoons
of coarsely ground pepper, 2 table spoons of
apple vinegar, 2 table spoons of apple juice,
3 table spoons of olive oil
Mix the ingredients and marinade the meat.
Sweet hot marinade
5 table spoons of honey, 5 table spoons of soy
sauce, 1 pinch of cayenne pepper, 1 tea spoons
of mustard powder, 2 table spoons of olive oil
Mix the ingredients and marinade the meat.
Lemon marinade
6 cloves of garlic, 100 ml olive oil, juice and
zest of 2 untreated lemons, ¼ tea spoons of
Chop the garlic, mix with lemon zest and juice,
pepper, and marinade the meat.