6.1.2 Selecting Set-point Pressure for Joint Pressure
Estimation and Control (JPEC)
Before pressing the RUN/STOP pad to start the pump, adjust the joint pressure set-point on the
display . Table 4 provides instructions for changing the joint pressure set-point .
Display the preset pressure
(70 mmHg) when the pump
is regulating pressure .
Increase the pressure in
increments of 5 mmHg .
Decrease the pressure in
increments of 5 mmHg .
NOTE: Brackets around the pressure display indicate that the pump is in BLOODSTOP mode.
Table 4. Selecting Joint Pressure Set-Point
Do this...
Press once on either of the
pressure pads next to the
display .
Press "+"
Press "–"
System Response
Displays selected pressure .
When selected, displays
selected pressure .
When selected, displays
selected pressure .