Adjusting the dawn duration time
The dawn duration time is the time in which the light intensity of the lamp gradually increases to the
set level before the alarm sound is played. The default dawn duration time is 30 minutes, but you can
reduce the dawn duration time to 20 or 25 minutes or increase it to 40 minutes.
1. Simultaneously press and hold alarm 1 and alarm 2.
2. The default dawn duration time of 30 minutes appears on the display.
3. Press the + and – button to adjust the minutes.
12_HF3520_Dec.indd 22-23
40 min
Demonstration mode
If you want a quick demonstration (90 seconds) of the gradually increasing light intensity and sound
level, switch on the test function of the appliance.
1. Press and hold the alarm 1 or alarm 2 button for at least 3 seconds.
2. The appliance starts the demonstration of the corresponding alarm.
3. To switch off the demonstration, press and hold the previously pressed alarm button for
3 seconds again.
> 3 sec.
90 sec.
Audio feedback
When you press a menu button, you hear a click. If you do not want to hear clicks when you press
a button, press and hold the FM button for 5 seconds to switch off the audio feedback. You hear
one click as a confi rmation. To activate, press and hold the FM button again. You hear two clicks to
confi rm that the audio feedback is activated.
Button backlight
The menu buttons have a backlight to help you to fi nd the buttons. If you move your fi ngers close to
the buttons, the backlight lights up. If you don't press the button, the backlight goes out after a few
> 3 sec.
11/28/12 11:02 AM