settings; the settings will be stored, and then
the KAOSSILATOR PRO+ will return to the pro-
gram display.
Never turn off the power or perform any other operations while
settings are being stored. Doing so may corrupt the data.
1. Press one of the PROGRAM MEMORY
buttons (1–8); the settings stored in that mem-
ory location will be recalled.
TIP: You can change the content that is recalled when
you press a PROGRAM MEMORY button (→p.14).
Loop recording
You can create a phrase by overdubbing pro-
gram sounds or audio input. A phrase of up to
four measures can be recorded into each of the
four banks.
TIP: The phrases you recorded will be lost when you
turn off the power. If you want to save your phrases,
write them to an SD card (→p.18) before you turn off the
power, or use the KAOSSILATOR PRO+ Editor to
save the phrases.
TIP: For several seconds immediately after recording,
it won't be possible to resume playback from a state
where all banks are stopped. Please wait until the
LOOP RECORDER BANK button has stopped blink-
ing before you attempt to play back.
Recording a mix of the program's sound and
the audio input
1. Press the REC button. When you press the
button, the LOOP RECORDER BANK buttons
and the REC button will blink; the KAOSSILA-
TOR PRO+ will be in record-ready mode.
2. Press the LOOP RECORDER BANK button
that you want to use for recording; that LOOP
RECORDER BANK button will light-up red, and
recording will begin.
3. When you want to stop recording, press the
LOOP RECORDER BANK button; recording
will stop, the KAOSSILATOR PRO+ will switch
to playback, and the LOOP RECORDER BANK
button will light up green.
4. When you want to start recording again,
press the LOOP RECORDER BANK button
once again to start recording.
5. When you press the REC button, record-
ready mode will be cancelled, and the REC but-
ton will go dark.
TIP: If you press the REC button during recording, the
REC button will go dark and recording will stop. The
LOOP RECORDER BANK button that had been re-
cording will switch to playback.
6. When you press the LOOP RECORDER
BANK button being played back, playback will
stop, and that LOOP RECORDER BANK but-
ton will light up orange.
Recording the program's sound
You can create and record rhythm or bass
phrases using the sounds of the KAOSSILA-
TOR PRO+'s built-in programs. This can be
useful preparation for a live performance or as
a guide for practicing.
1. Hold down the LOOP RECORDER BANK
button for the bank that you want to record, and
use the touch pad to perform.
2. When you want to stop recording, release
the LOOP RECORDER BANK button. When
you release the button, the bank will switch to
3. If you want to overdub another layer onto
the recorded phrase, hold down the LOOP RE-
CORDER BANK button when you want to start
overdubbing, and use the touch pad to perform.
Recording the audio input
1. Hold down the LOOP RECORDER BANK
button for the bank that you want to record, and
press the REC button. The audio input will be
recorded while you hold down the REC button.
2. When you want to stop recording, release
the REC button. When you release the button,
the bank will switch to playback.
3. If you want to overdub another layer onto
the recorded phrase, hold down the LOOP RE-
CORDER BANK button and press the REC
button when you want to start overdubbing.
TIP: By holding down the LOOP RECORDER BANK
button and repeatedly pressing the REC button, you
can slice the audio input while you record.