Indicates the number of blinks made by the warning led
Led lit with fixed light
The alarm may occur up to a maximum of 6 times in 24 hours, after which it becomes blocking.
If malfunctions/alarms occur on both pumps at the same time, the REMOTE ALARM (relays Q1, Q2,
Q3) is activated and the GENERAL ALARM (red) is lit with a fixed light.
In KIWA pressure boosting mode the error is not self-resetting and must be reset manually.
Self-resetting alarm =
Blocking alarm =
10.2 Digital inputs R and N protection /alarm
Digital inputs
Pressure boosting and
KIWA pressure boosting
The 2 pumps stop with:
- general alarm signal,
- Q3 remote signal
The 2 pumps stop with:
- general alarm signal,
- alarm signal against dry
- Q3 remote signal
Attention! if terminals R and N
are not used they must be
- Relay/remote control switch alarm
This error appears if the pump remote control switches have malfunctions. If this alarm occurs, check the wiring. If
defects are found, the panel must be repaired.
- Pump disconnected
This error appears if the E.Box panel does not "feel" current towards a pump. This error also appears if input KK
(motor thermal protection) opens.
The alarm is specific for the pump. For each pump the alarm allows a series of restart attempts with a variable pause
time between one start and the next which is increased by 1 minute for the first 60 minutes (1-2-3 min.... 60 min.),
after which there will be one attempt every hour.
To solve this error, check the pumps and the wiring and check the value of the set rated current (trimmer lmax).
The E.Box reactivates the pump if the cause that generated the alarm is removed, or, in
cases where this is not possible, it makes attempts at intervals of time.
The E.Box keeps the pump stopped until a manual reset is carried out.
Max. Pressure
Min. Pressure
Table 18: Digital inputs R and N protection /alarm
Filling function
Min. Level (in tank)
The 2 pumps start with:
- general alarm signal,
- Q3 remote signal
Tripping and reset after 0.5
Max. level (in tank)
The 2 pumps stop with:
- general alarm signal,
- Q3 remote signal
Min. Level (water reserve)
The 2 pumps stop with:
- general alarm signal,
- signal against dry running.
- Q3 remote signal
Tripping and reset after 1
Attention! if terminal N is not
used it must be jumpered! If
level probes are used, only R
must be jumpered, if it is not
Draining function
Max. level
The 2 pumps start with:
- general alarm signal,
- Q3 remote signal
Tripping and reset after 0.5
Min. Level
The 2 pumps stop with:
- general alarm signal,
- alarm signal against dry
- Q3 remote signal
Tripping and reset after 1
Attention! if terminal N is not
used it must be jumpered!